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Application of Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory

Essay Instructions:


Read the following case study. Think about how you would apply Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory to the case study. Use Kolcaba’s Taxonomic Structure of Comfort Needs for the case study. Refer to page 528 of your textbook for an example of the diagram. You must include the contexts of comfort experienced by the patient and the types of comfort provided. Include a title and reference page. This is a brief assignment in which a grid is used to provide the details.

Mrs. C. is an 87 year old African American patient who lives in her own home. Her daughter lives next door and is the primary caregiver for her mother. Mrs. C. suffers from pain related to bone cancer metastasis. As the nurse, you have been visiting Mrs. C. for several months. You have noticed her behavior indicates her pain is increasing. On your recent visit, you ask Mrs. C. to rate her level of comfort from 0-10 with 10 being the highest level of comfort. Mrs. C. rates her comfort level as 2. You question her further to assess her comfort needs areas.

To complete your assignment, please include the following:

Include an introduction

Include a narrative explaining the comfort grid as it applies to the case study

Complete the taxonomic comfort grid with what you expect to be the patient’s needs with respect to comfort.

APA format should be used including a title and reference page. You will lose credit if you do not follow APA format.
Please make sure you follow the Apa style for subheading and the reference should be in apa style since last time you missed it , my mark was affected

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection 2 on the Case Study
Institutional Affiliation
Course Title
Professor's Name
Reflection 2
According to Kolcaba (2015), Kolcaba's theory of comfort is majorly based on depicting comfort as a significant need for all human beings. Thus, comfort is described as existing in three forms. The first form is a relief, which is attained when a patient's specific comfort needs are met. According to Heard (2020), comfort is an individual's state after receiving a comfort intervention. The other form of comfort is ease, and this meaningfully entails the state of an individual being content. The third form is transcendence, described as a state in which a given individual can rise above their challenge. Additionally, the theory also depicts that it is something that a patient experiences through physical sensations, environmental states, and social predicaments (Heard, 2020). Thus, using Kolcaba's theory of comfort, the paper will describe the context of comfort experienced by the patient.
Taxonomic comfort grid




The state of her house

Since the nurse and Mrs. C's daughter help in cleaning the house, the patient does not feel obligated to do it

She feels relaxed because her house is clean

Mrs. C is able to make plans for the future because she is in a clean environment

The needs of the patient

Since MRS. C is always getting a visit from the nurse and her daughter. She feels she is not alone.

A Sense of being supported and cared for is cultivated

Mrs. C feels more hopeful.

Fear of not surviving

Due to having a nurse visit for a long period, trust is created, and she can talk about her fears

Due to better communication, she can tell that her comfort level is 2

She is able to engage in other activities because she has tackled her fear


Changing Mrs. position if she is unable to move
Holding her hand
Ensuring she is aware of pain medication

By accepting the pain medication, Mrs. C will feel more relaxed

Since Mrs. C is relieved from the pain, she can focus on other aspects of her life

Narrative Explanation
When a patient is diagnosed with cancer, and they do not have a strong support system, cases of feeling despair and hopelessness may be experienced. Since Mrs. C has been battling bone cancer metastasis, she may be feeling fearful and afraid. Due to the excruciating pain, she may even be afraid that she may be dying soon. However, Mrs. C ...
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