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Essay Instructions:

CDC Antibiotic Stewardship Initiative Discussion Paper

Construct a professional paper that outlines the advanced practice role – as a nurse educator, a nurse leader, or a nurse practitioner – to advance the CDC’s antibiotic resistance initiative. The paper needs to be a minimum of six (6) pages [excluding title and reference pages] consistent with APA style without an abstract page. The paper is worth 40 points.

Please include the following:

Introduction that identifies your advanced practice role and your view of how that role will be able to impact the antibiotic resistance dilemma. Support your discussion with at least two references from the literature.

Review the CDC’s goals and identify one of the CDC’s key strategies that you will be able to promote/support in your advanced practice role. Support your discussion with at least two references from the literature.

Discuss three activities/actions that you will develop to support the promotion of the key strategy that you identified in item 2 above. Each action/activity needs to be well designed and supported with at least one reference from the literature. [For example, if you are a nurse educator student – in what course(s) will you be able to promote your identified key strategies, be specific about what that would look like using example lesson plan(s), identify any active learning strategies you will utilize, etc., and provide justification for your strategies, etc.; if you are a nurse leader student – what program(s) and activities will you engage with relative to your organization, be that existing programs or creation of new programs, reporting mechanisms, development of collaborative committees, etc., and provide justification for your strategies, etc.; if you are a nurse practitioner student – what prescribing practices, patient education practices, monitoring programs, etc., will you engage with, and provide justification for your strategies, etc.

The paper is to be formatted according to APA style

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Antibiotic: CDC Antibiotic Steward Initiative
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Antibiotic: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Antibiotic Steward Initiative
Antibiotics are widely used across the globe to treat a spectrum of illnesses, orders, and other forms of health derangements. However, antibiotic use is raising fundamental concerns amongst various stakeholders. Antibiotic resistance is posing an immense threat to human health and food security (Manage & Liyanage,2019). Antibiotic resistance occurs through two significant trajectories i.e., natural way and antibiotic misuse approach (Peterson & Kaur,2018). There is increasing concerted effort to ensure proper and prudent antibiotics. Such efforts are often packaged as antibiotic stewardship. Due to rising concerns regarding antibiotic resistance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advanced the Core Elements of Hospital Antibiotic Stewardship Programs (ASPs). Nurse leadership and other aspects of hospital administration such as pharmacy and medical can play critical advanced roles include mobilizing resources and providing core leadership in implementing Antibiotic Stewardship Programs. Antibiotic stewardship seeks to measure and enhance how antibiotics are prescribed by clinicians and used by patients. Antibiotic stewardship implies coordinated strategies tailored to improve and measure the suitable and prudent use of antibiotic medications through selecting the optimal antibiotic drug, drug regimen, and dosage. Thus, a s nurse leader, the core priority involving Antibiotic Steward Initiative would be to harmonize, coordinate, and collaborate in implementing Antibiotic Stewardship Programs (ASPs).
Improving antibiotic prescription processes and service is essential to effectively treat infections, safeguard patients against needless antibiotic use, and fight against antibiotic resistance. Nurse leaders at various levels of practice, including administrative units and healthcare service departments, have critical roles in ensuring appropriate antibiotic use to prevent resistance. Nursing leadership ought to advance the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Antibiotic Stewardship Initiative to contain antibiotic resistance in healthcare. This paper seeks to examine the critical advanced roles of nursing in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Antibiotic Steward Initiative
Why Nursing leadership and Hospital Administration need to support CDC Core Elements of Hospital Antibiotic Stewardship Programs (ASPs)
All nurses across various healthcare settings need to recognize the importance of fighting against antimicrobial resistance and antibiotic resistance. The increasing need to ensure prudent use of antibiotics is anchored on patient safety. Unnecessary antibiotics may lead to adverse health outcomes, including nephrotoxicity, imbalance on gut bacteria leading to possible diarrheas, and antibiotic resistance. The prolonged misuse of antibiotics leads to antibiotic resistance, which implies increased loss of antimicrobial potency. The increased drug effectiveness due to bacterial changes culminates in poor health outcomes, including increased hospitalization, increased infections, and their severity, and ballooning healthcare costs.
Review of Center for Disease Control Antibiotic Stewardship Initiative Goals and what I can do
Antibiotic stewardship seeks to measure and improve how antibiotics are prescribed by healthcare providers and used by patients. One of the goals that I would perform includes tracking antibiotic use to work with colleagues and other healthcare providers in monitoring antibiotic prescribing, the impact of interventions, and other critical antibiotic use outcomes amongst patients. Tracking and monitoring activities would allow us to find an instance of misuse or uncalled need for antibiotics. Evidence shows that there is an increasing need to optimize inpatient antibiotic prescribing can improve patient outcomes. However, to assist healthcare providers in reducing incorrect inpatient prescribing, data regarding inappropriate prescribing occurs in hospitals (Fridkin et al., 2014). Such data can be acquired via tracking and monitoring of antibiotic use. Nurse initiate management plan for active monitoring and tracking regarding antibiotic treatment based on the provider orders. Such tracking, reviews, and monitoring should focus on the dose regimen timing, specific dosages for precision, and checking for a history of allergy before administration medications (Aldeyab et al.,2012).
Three Core Strategies Involving Roles of Nursing Leadership
a) Role of Nurse Leaders and Educators in Advancing Understanding and Educating Regarding Antibiotic Resistance
The nursing leadership, nurse educators, and nurse practitioners must take center stage in the fight against antibiotic resistance. First, there is a need among nurses at all levels to understand the mechanism of and risk factors for antibiotic resistance. Since nurse leaders and educators constitute crucial resources, they must demonstrate adequate knowledge regarding the causes and risks of antibiotic resistance across different environment spectra. The causes of antibacterial drug resistance are pretty sophisticated. However, nurse leaders and educators are expected to have a significant grasp of the core mechanism of such resistance.                                         
The increasing pathogenic bacteria expressing antibiotic resistance is a primary threat to public health. According to Peterson & Kaur (2018), antibiotic resistance genetic content is not limited to the hospitals or healthcare settings. They are also broadly frequent in the diverse microbial populace in the environment. The emergence of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic microbes and reservoirs of resistance genes need in-depth understanding to get a precise mechanism of how bacterial antibiotic resistance occurs. The resistance genetic makeup may provide self-resistance in antibiotic-producing soil bacteria and genetic content that encodes intrinsic resistance processes (Manage & Liyanage, 2019). Peterson & Kaur (2018) notes that the availability of resistance predictors in soil and other ecological microbes doesn’t threaten human health, but their integration into new hosts, such as their transfer to plasmids and integrons in pathogenic bacteria, is quite problematic due to their ability to be resistant to antibiotics when human and the animal become infected.
Besides the explained naturally occurring resistance, misuse of antibiotics primarily contributes to increasing pathogenic resistance. Antibiotic misuse includes over-prescription of antibiotics, non-completion of the antibiotic regimen, overuse of antibiotics in livestock and fish farming, improper infection control practices in healthcare setups, poor hygiene and sanitation, and lack of discoveries of antibiotics. The inappropriate disposal and misuse of antibiotics in human treatment, farming, animal keeping, and fish farming activities may lead to multi-drug-resistant microbes via the buildup of resistant plasmids, multidrug efflux pumps or transposons of genes (Manage & Liyanage, 2019).The emerging antimicrobial or antibiotic resistance culminate...
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