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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Antibiotic Therapy: Acute Upper Respiratory Infection

Essay Instructions:

Antibiotic Therapy

Discuss the use of antibiotic therapy when treating ear and throat pain in both children and adults. What is considered standard of care?  Include professional guidelines and recommendations. 


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  • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
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2 pages, APA 6th Edition format, 3 references within 3 years and in US only.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Antibiotic Therapy [Name of the Student] [Name of the Institution] [Date of Submission] Antibiotic Therapy According to Yoon et al., (2017) in the United States, among adults and children one of the highly common diseases is URI – acute upper respiratory infection. As per the statistics of the United States, a high disease burden was found to be associated with acute URI, resulting into ten percent of emergency and outpatient departments visits and forty percent of work absence amongst adult employees. Acute URI mainly comprises of acute infection of the bronchus, airway, epiglottis, larynx, middle ear, pharynx, sinus, throat, and nose. Categorized by a sore throat and known as tonsillitis medically, such type of URI is commonly found in children. As Rungsang (2018) highlighted in both adults and children, the throat and ear pain due to URI can be treated by using antibiotic therapy. A standardized care guideline has been provided by various researches. For example, as part of the Policy Research Servicing Project by the CDC – Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Korea, several practical and clinical guidelines were provided. The basic principles of antibiotic usage and therapy for URI were presented in these guidelines. For universal application to all adult patients, these guidelines must be used by physicians as a reference while giving individualized care to patients. According to these guidelines, patients with symptoms and signs of acute pharyngotonsillitis, antimicrobial therapy can be used. Complications of bacterial pharyngotonsillitis may be prevented and improved through antibiotic therapy. However, antimicrobial therapy must be provided and antibiotic prescription must be avoided in case of acute pharyngotonsillitis. The second guideline is for starting antimicrobial therapy in patients suffering from this disease, 10 days of antibiotic amoxicillin therapy must be provided. However, in the case where ten days of antimicrobial therapy is not possible for the patient, 5-day azithromycin or cefdinir antibiotic therapy can be provided. Moreover, in the case of type one sensitivity, all beta-lactam antibiotics must not be used. Whereas, it is also important to consider as Schuetz et al., (2018) indicated the right antibiotics must be sel...
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