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4 pages/≈1100 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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The Impact of Technology on Clinical and IT Systems

Essay Instructions:

1) Interview a health care leader about a new technology he or she selected, planned for, and implemented.

2) Write a paper of 1,000–1,200 words, from your perspective, on how that process occurred, what happened, what the leader would do again, and what mistakes he or she may have made.

3) Refer to the assigned readings to incorporate specific examples and details into your paper.

4) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.



Barriers to Electronic Health Record Adoption: a Systematic Literature Review

Clemens Scott Kruse1 & Caitlin Kristof1 & Beau Jones1 & Erica Mitchell1 & Angelica Martinez1

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Impact of Technology on Clinical and IT Systems Name of Student Institution Affiliation The Impact of Technology on Clinical and IT Systems 1. Introduction The Electronic Medical Record (EHR) of a patient is considered as the foundation of the medical information system. This assignment aims to present an interview of a health care leader who has recently implemented the EHR system in his health care setting. The health care leader will be cross-examined about the planning and implementation of EHR, the background why he opted for integrating EHR, his future perspective regarding the continual use of EHR, and mistakes that occurred due to this system. The EHR is a single repository of medical information designed to maintain, store, search, and issue information requests, including electronic communication channels, for all cases of a patient’s treatment help in the hospital. 2. Discussion 2.1. Planning and Implementation of Electronic Health Record The health care system in the United States has promoted the EHR system in overcoming the disjointed health care sector (Bhuyan, Bailey-DeLeeuw, Wyant, & Chang, 2016). The use of information technology (IT) is not new to the modern health care sector. These information systems of varying degrees of automation are used in many medical institutions, both private and public. In the recent times, information technology provides a real opportunity to manage all production processes, effectively interact along horizontal and vertical communication lines, and solve a full range of tasks as part of planning activities in any area of life. Information plays one of the most important roles in health care. In order to assess the efficacy of implementing information technology services in the health care setting, an interview of a health care leader was conducted. The health care leader was first asked about how that process occurred and what led him to introduce this new system in his organization. He mentioned that it was previously difficult to manage the data of every patient, as some patients visit the setting regularly. Usually, the patient is repeatedly asked for his or her medical or surgical history, previous complaints, allergies, and other parameters. Then, we decided to implement the EHR system so that it would become easier to manage this data. Later, when we installed this, we observed that this system was truly convenient as it contains the basic personal data of the patient. It includes patient’s name, date of birth, address, information on visits to the hospital, medical data, allergy history, information on benefits, medical examination, a list of diagnoses, address, marital status, profession, health insurance policies, blood group and Rh factor, and list of surgical interventions. According to Bhuyan et al. (2016), the “Federal Trade Commission” in the US has manifested the rule of storing patient’s information in complete privacy according to the “Fair Information Practice Principles”. According to these principles, the patients can control and restrict their information in the EHR with a restricted view. Therefore, it is beneficial for both the patient as well as health care facility in terms of convenience and privacy. 2.2. The Manifestation of the Integrating Electronic Health Record and its Background A major reason behind integrating this system, according to the health care leader, was the access to complete information about the patient. The electronic medical record contains information about contraindications to the use of certain types of treatment for a specific patient and a list of intolerable drugs. In addition, the EHR allowed us to compare the information entered by the doctor with medical and economic standards. As a...
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