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An Analysis of Nutrition

Essay Instructions:

Hi so you will need to write a reflection paper on a signature assignment I did in my Nutrition class. I will attach a guide that tells you what you need to include in the reflection and in red I added some stuff you can add in each paragraph more. Please go by bullet points and add everything that is needed. I am a dental hygiene student so please make sure to correctly refer to as a dental hygienist.

APA 7 format


  1. Assess various nutritional components and the role of Biochemistry as related to patient care and optimal oral health.
  2. Demonstrate the skill of nutritional analysis.
  3. Explain the value of nutritional habits that are conducive to a healthcare provider


  1. An introductory paragraph that describes the signature assignment:
    • How does what you learned through completing these competencies connect to the learning outcomes in this course (you must write about how they connect to at least 2 of the 3 CLOs)? Describe the gains you have made over the term in achieving the CLOs.

This signature assignment was based on analysing what we eat in  3 days, one of the days would be a weekend and the other 2 weekdays. We had to use my fitness pal app to generate the nutrition analysis to see if what I am eating is right on track for a well-balanced diet. This assignment connects the clo 2 where it says Demonstrate the skill of nutritional analysis and clo 3 Explain the value of nutritional habits that are conducive to a healthcare provide


  1. A paragraph (or more) that includes your reflection on:
    • What challenges did you face in completing this signature assignment? How did you address/troubleshoot them?
    • What were your successes in completing this assignment?

-       I faced many chalaneges through out this assignment. One was learning how to use the my fitness pal app. Another one was how to breakdown each food like the sweetfin bowl in to separate items on the app.  +++ You can add more challenges++++

  1. A paragraph (or more) that discusses your learning in this course throughout the term:
    • Describe your learning process and what it felt like at different stages until you mastered certain skills associated with this signature assignment.

-       The learning process for this class was not so hard. It was learning about all the vitamins and nutrions and how when we become defiecent in them then what can happen to our mouths and our bodies.

    • What learning and skills have you obtained from this signature assignment and how will you apply this to your practice as a dental hygienist?
    • The learning skiils I have obtained is that now I know what type of oral signs to look out for to see if a patient is defiecnet in a vitamin.
    • Discuss the skills you are still developing related to this signature assignment and your plan to continue your learning to ensure you remain knowledgeable and competent.
    • – The skills I have obtain throughout this assignment is how to use the fitness app to analysis how I am eating. I also learned how to figure out from my plate app how much fruits, vegtables, grains, and so on I need daily to consume.
  2. A final paragraph that discusses a connection between what you studied in this course with what you have learned in other courses:
    • Make specific references to your work in this class and in the other courses. How did what you learned in the other courses enhance what you learned here and vice versa?

-       This course connects with my clinic course directly. This helps me to look for any oral signs of any vitamin deficiency. It also helps me help my patients with there nutrition in order to help them with any oral condtions.

    • Reflect on what you thought about the CLOs before you took this course (the beginning of the term) and what you think about them now that the course is over.

           The clos are in purple just make something up

    • Have any of your assumptions or understandings changed?



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nutrition Reflection
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name

Nutrition Reflection
The signature assignment was based on analyzing what we eat in three days, two weekdays, and one weekend day. We used my fitness pal app to generate the nutritional analysis and see whether what I am eating is right on track for a well-balanced diet. In particular, the signature assignment connects with two of the course learning objectives (CLOs). First, it demonstrated the skill of nutritional analysis. Recording the types of food we ate in three days was enough to inform one if it was a well-balanced diet or not. At this juncture, a person can make proper modifications to ensure that he or she is eating a balanced diet. Second, the assignment helped me know the value of nutritional habits conducive to a healthcare provider. The fitness pal diet analysis app was enough to assist me in understanding the types of food I should eat to ensure a balanced diet. Consequently, achieving the above two CLOs was crucial and taught me the importance of eating nutritious food to promote my health as a dental hygienist and that of my patients.
I encountered several challenges while working out this assignment. First, it was challenging at first to use my fitness pal app. I had to learn how to use it effectively within a short period. Second, breaking down each food to separate components was a problem—for instance, the listing of the items in the sweetfin bowl. Third, after the analysis, determining the food to eat to ensure a well-balanced diet was another problem. However, my fitness pal app was helpful and gave suggestions on the source of nutrients that one is supposed to eat. Despite the above challenges, I succeeded in completing the assignment. I learned different types of meals and their nutritional value. Moreover, I learned how I could keep myself...
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