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Alcoholism: Summary of the case study Derek Donald

Essay Instructions:
Assignment instructions . Using books, government reports, reports from reputable health organisations and peer-reviewed journal articles, you will need to gather information from a variety of sources. As a minimum, you must use the sources from the year 2003 or later. You may not use www sites or web pages .While a reliance on www sites may be easier for you, it does not demonstrate your skill in sourcing information from reputable government reports or academic peer-reviewed sources. Your assignment will need to discuss: - A summary of the case study (~200 words). - Definition and description of the health condition featured in the case study. - Describe the current prevalence of the CONDITION in: - Australia, - United States of America, - AND one developing ASIAN country. - Describe the interprofessional health care team that would usually treat this condition in the Australian health care system. - Describe the TWO treatment methods, including the health professionals who administer these treatments. You need to take into consideration the following assignment components as these will be awarded marks: your assignment structure; information sourcing and usage; paraphrasing and citation; referencing; presentation; and English language usage. It is important to use a formal and objective writing style. Refer to the Assignment Presentations Guidelines section in the Workbook for information on writing style and how to format the essay. You are also required to include one small table, figure or graph within the body of your assignment that must also have its source correctly cited and referred to in the body of your assignment. DO NOT include large graphs or tables as appendices. The paper is to be a maximum of 1500 words. The Essay must have a Title page with a declaration and a Contents page. The word count is NOT to include the Title page and Contents page, Reference page or any tables or graphs. Marks will be taken off if your work is significantly above or below this word limit.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Table of Contents
 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc353093203" 1. Summary of the case study  PAGEREF _Toc353093203 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc353093204" 2. Definition and description of alcoholism  PAGEREF _Toc353093204 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc353093205" 2.1 Causes of alcoholism  PAGEREF _Toc353093205 \h 5
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc353093206" 3. Prevalence of alcoholism  PAGEREF _Toc353093206 \h 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc353093207" 3.1 Australia,  PAGEREF _Toc353093207 \h 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc353093208" 3.2 United States of America,  PAGEREF _Toc353093208 \h 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc353093209" 3.3 One developing ASIAN country  PAGEREF _Toc353093209 \h 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc353093210" 4. Describe the inter-professional health care team that would usually treat this condition in the Australian health care system.  PAGEREF _Toc353093210 \h 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc353093211" 5. Describe the TWO treatment methods, including the health professionals who administer these treatments.  PAGEREF _Toc353093211 \h 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc353093212" References  PAGEREF _Toc353093212 \h 6

Summary of the case study
Derek Donald is a fifty one years old man that is suffering from alcoholism among other conditions. Derek’s family is composed of his mother who is seventy four years and lives on her own. His father died of lung cancer in the year 2001. Derek’s lifestyle is marked by consumption of, large amounts of alcohol and little if any concern for his diet and lifestyle in general. Derek’s diet is insufficient as it is composed of canteen foods and take-aways. He smokes between twenty and thirty cigarettes in a day and watches a lot of television.
He drinks between two and three bottles of Vodka every night and goes to George Pub on Spring road on most nights in the course of the week. He also consumers several cans of cider every night. Donald lost his driving license in the year 20006 as a result of drunk driving and he has to use public means for the purposes of travelling including travelling to work. Derek works at a prison where he has been in trouble severally for arriving at work reeking of alcohol as well as other alcohol related offences. In fact, he has been issued with a final written warning concerning his alcohol related offenses at the work place. However, Derek seems to be short of money as he has started taking bribes from prisoners in return for sneaking in mobile phones and drugs for them. He is indifferent concerning the consequences of his actions as he thinks that the Prison Governor is intent on firing him regardless of what he does.
Definition and description of alcoholism
Alcoholism is referred to as an addiction to alcohol that is characterized by a constant and uncontrollable urge which leads to habitual drinking of alcohol in spite of the negative effects that an individual may experience as a result. It is also characterized by a marked tolerance for the substance, the inability to stop drinking on one’s own accord (Finn, Martin & Pihl, 2010).
2.1 Causes of alcoholism
The predisposition of an individual to alcoholism is determined by biological factors, genetics, culture, psychology and the environment in general. Genetics have particularly been found to determine the development of alcoholism in spite of the fact that there are no genes that have been isolated in relation to causing alcoholism (Hess, 2012). Twin and adoption studies have demonstrated that alcoholism may be transferred from one generation to another and it has been established that one stands a higher chance of developing alcoholism is there are members of his or her family that have alcoholism particularly older generations (Waldron, et al, 2012). It has been suggested that individuals that have a higher predisposition to alcoholism have smaller amygdala, higher levels of dopamine and that their levels of serotonin are abnormal. Still, it is impossible to explain all cases of alcoholism through genetics (Volkow, et al, 2006; Schuckit, 2009).
Individuals may begin taking alcohol as a result of peer pressure, curiosity or out of boredom but after long term use of alcohol; there are changes in the balance of brain chemicals that are associated with addiction. The chemicals that have been seen to be most involved are neurotransmitters which are also associated which increase the need to reduce agitation and increase the desire to restore pleasurable feelings. Neurotransmitters are also associated with the relapse of individuals that were previously rehabilitated from alcoholism (Finn, Martin & Pihl, 2010).
Social and emotional factors have been implicated in the development of alcoholism (Dager, et al, 2013). These include frustration and anger, social pressure and internal temptations among others. Alcohol is seen as alternative to human relationships and as a tool that enable loss of inhibition in the course of the forging of human relationships. In fact, healing from alcoholism demands a change in the company one keeps. Today’s advertising has focused on alcohol as a pleasurable activity and thus individuals may be lured by these advertisements into alcoholism (Potter-Efron, et al, 2013).
Figure 1: Chart of Alcohol Addiction and Recovery

Source: Lesch, O. M., Kefer, J., Lentner, S., Mader, R., Marx, B., Musalek, M., & Zach, E. (2010). Diagnosis of chronic alcoholism–classificatory problems. Psychopathology, 23(2), 88-96.
Therefore, individuals that are likely to fall into alcoholism are young adults that are in the wrong company, that may have mental disturbances such as anxiety disorders, have low self-esteem, have unstable relationships and have easy access to alcohol.
Signs and symptoms of alcoholism
An individual may be considered an alcoholic when they are unable to stop drinking even when their professional and personal lives suffer as a result of alcoholism (Hussong...
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