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Alcohol Abuse

Essay Instructions:

Alcohol Abuse

Mr. Wilko is a 40-year-old salesperson with a wife and three teenage children. He has recently begun to have a beer at lunch and a few drinks after work to reduce his work-related stress. An economic downturn in the housing industry has reduced the need for new home appliances and his income and sales record has been affected. Several other salespeople have been laid off at his firm. He has been told that if his sales and attendance records do not improve he will be fired. He and his wife are constantly arguing about finances and the children's increasing demands for money. His drinking has increased to several beers at lunch and continued drinking after dinner. When he returns to work with alcohol on his breath, he is dismissed from his job. He continues to consume alcohol during the day as he attempts a job search. His wife is very concerned, as are his teenage children.

Mr. Wilko states he is a social drinker and “can stop at any time.” How accurate is his self-assessment?

What stressors are present in Mr. Wilko's case?

Why does Mr. Wilko continue to increase his alcohol intake?

What changes in liver function can Mr. Wilko expect if he continues to drink large amounts of alcohol?

Mr. Wilko complains to his wife that all the stress is causing “indigestion.” How do stress and alcohol consumption affect GI function?

Why is Mr. Wilko at greater risk of trauma?

Please use the APA guidelines to include in text citations

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Alcohol Abuse
Mr. Wilko states he is a social drinker and “can stop at any time.” How accurate is his self-assessment?What stressors are present in Mr. Wilko's case?Why does Mr. Wilko continue to increase his alcohol intake?What changes in liver function can Mr. Wilko expect if he continues to drink large amounts of alcohol?Mr. Wilko complains to his wife that all the stress is causing “indigestion.” How do stress and alcohol consumption affect GI function?Why is Mr. Wilko at greater risk of trauma?
Mr. Wilko states he is a social drinker and “can stop at any time.” How accurate is his self-assessment?
Mr. Wilko's self-assessment is inaccurate as he drinks beer frequently and after work, and his drinking habits have changed over the past week where he is drinking heavily. Some of those who self-identify as social drinkers are heavy drinkers who underestimate their consumption and believe there are moderate drinkers (Pettigrew., et al 2017). Social drinking is more common when one drinks occasionally and mainly with others.
What stressors are present in Mr. Wilko's case?There has been an economic downturn in the housing industry, which has resulted in negative growth of sales and income, which has resulted in workers being laid off at the company. There have been increased disagreements with his wife about financing and he was dismissed because of his drinking habits
Why does Mr. Wilko continue to increase his alcohol intake? Mr. Wilko is increasingly concerned about his position in the workplace and he was arguing frequently with his wife about finances and the children’s. Mr. Wilko was expected to continue providing financial support even under difficult economic condit...
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