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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Labs and Diagnostic Tests

Essay Instructions:


For part one, you must write in paragraph forms 5 lab or diagnostic tests that you anticipate will be ordered for a patient’s primary diagnoses and why. You must have a title page and reference page and the paper must be written in APA format.

Choose five labs or diagnostic tests that might be ordered for your case study client. Describe the importance of each lab/test for your specific client. Note normal results, expected abnormal values based on your client, and what that would signify for your client. This summary should be at least one page in length.

Course Project Case Study:

Ms. Anderson is a 76-year-old Caucasian female resident at a long-term care facility. She was recently diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis. She has a medical history of DM type 2, hypertension, CHF, Shingles (November 2020), and ESRD. She is widowed and has no children but has a niece in the area. She has a Scandinavian background, speaks English and follows the Lutheran faith. She has an arteriovenous fistula for dialysis access in her left forearm and undergoes hemodialysis three times weekly at an outpatient dialysis center.

Orders include:

Blood sugar monitoring ACHS; call less than 75 or greater than 300

Do not resuscitate

Low protein, NAS diet

1500ml/24 hours fluid restriction

Do not access arteriovenous fistula

Dressing changes to fistula will be done at Dialysis center

Apply pressure dressing and notify MD for bleeding at fistula

Ambulate independently

Oxygen @ 2L/NC PRN

Hold antihypertensive medications until after dialysis run

Medication Include:

Lisinopril 40 mg PO daily

Metoprolol 50 mg PO twice daily

Furosemide 40 mg PO BID

Potassium Chloride 20 meq PO TID daily with meals

Metformin 500 mg PO BID

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Labs and Diagnostic Tests
Course code:
Labs and Diagnostic Tests
A doctor will review medical and family history in an attempt to diagnose a condition. The patient, in this case, studies a 76-year-old Caucasian female resident. She is of Scandinavian descent, which is a detail that can explain the cause of her lung issues. Scandinavian countries have a long history of lung diseases such as bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis/emphysema, respiratory symptoms. Ms. Anderson has a recent diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis, and she undergoes hemodialysis three times a week. This essay analyses five diagnostic tests Ms. Anderson can be subjected to represent her condition accurately.
A chest X-ray can be used to show the image of her chest. This is a non-invasive procedure; however, it is crucial to identify scar tissues typical of pulmonary fibrosis. In the course of her treatment, she might come back to the procedure to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment. Computerized tomography (CT) scans are also necessary to determine the extent of lung damage resulting from pulmonary fibrosis. Since she is diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, the two procedures will make some scar tissues visible.
Ms. Anderson has an advanced case of IPF and a high prevalence of pulmonary hypertension. An echocardiogram can be used to visualize her heart by using sound waves that produce still images of the heart's structure. Consequently, it tests the amount of pressure coming from the right side of a functioning heart. The expected result for Ms. Anderson is a mean of Ppa >25 mmHg at rest with pulmonary arterial wedge pressure <15 mmHg and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) >240 dyn·s·cm−5 at RHC CITATION VCo10 \l 1033 (...
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