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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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AI Proposal for Healthcare

Essay Instructions:

Develop a proposal to integrate AI into your organization in some way to benefit the organization and organization’s stakeholder. The premise is that integrating more AI into community organizations will benefit the community. Develop a proposal based on healthcare, you must also collaborate with the rest of your team so that, together, you are submitting a cohesive set of AI proposals that will truly serve Excelsiorville.

Overview of Excelsiorville

Excelsiorville is a highly diverse city of over 86,000 people. Situated along a large river and home to a major public research university, Excelsiorville has a thriving riverfront and is home to many residential students. As a sanctuary city and a university town, there are people from many different cultures, with over fifteen different primary languages spoken. The median income level is $49,357.00, with 26% of residents living at or below the poverty rate. Based upon the poverty rate, all children in the Excelsiorville School District qualify for free breakfasts and lunches.

Excelsiorville's public and business financial picture has been grim for over three decades, and impacts from the COVID - 19 pandemic and economic volatility have led to increasing strain on businesses, especially small businesses. Every industry has been hard hit, but is persevering. Excelsiorville is the county seat, so there are many public sector jobs represented. There are many small family-owned businesses, as well as several major banks, stores, and a thriving cement plant along the river. One of the state's few minimum security prisons is also located in Excelsiorville, as well as the county probation office and local jail. The regional healthcare system from Minnesota has a hos pital, an addictions treatment center, an outpatient health center, and a skilled nursing facility. The public university has a major technology center. The university has approached public and private organizations with an offer to submit a multi-profession proposal for funding to integrate artifiical intelligence. This is a federal fund designed to help businesses modernize and become more efficient. This is a community collaboration grant. A condition for applying is that a minimum of three organizations representing different professions must come together with a proposal that can benefit a large cross-section of the community. In order to attract this grant funding, it will be necessary to collaborate across disciplines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

AI Proposal for Healthcare
Student's Name
Institution Affiliation
The Excelsiorville Artificial Intelligence (EAI) Initiative is a collaborative effort to integrate AI technology into the City's organizational operations. Our objective is to establish a network of AI-enabled companies dedicated to developing better methods for providing services and enhancing the lives of local citizens. The EAI Initiative will be a collaborative endeavor between the University of Excelsiorville, the Excelsiorville Medical Center, and the Excelsiorville Business Association. These organizations will collaborate to develop and deploy AI-based solutions to improve Excelsiorville's quality of life.
First, there is the University of Excelsiorville. The Initiative will benefit from AI expertise and technical support from the institution. The University's resources will be used to develop AI technology, build AI-powered apps, and perform research on AI solutions. The University will employ existing AI-related resources, such as the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute and the Artificial Intelligence Research Center, to solve common problems in society (Goralski et al., 2020). In addition, the University will use its current collaborations with AI-related organizations like IBM to give additional resources and expertise. The University of Excelsiorville will also offer AI training and instruction to local companies and groups. This will feature AI-related workshops and seminars, including data analysis, machine learning, and natural language processing. The University will also design and provide AI-related programs to the Excelsiorville School District.
The Excelsiorville Medical Center is the next collaborator. The institution will use AI to develop efficient, cost-effective patient care and appointment management systems. The Center's technology will also be significant for evaluating patient information and forecasting health outcomes. Furthermore, the Medical Center will employ AI-related resources, such as the AI-Powered Electronic Health Record System, to accomplish its main service provision goals (Shaheen, 2021). The Medical Center will use AI to create patient care and treatment prediction models. Models for forecasting the likelihood of certain medical diseases and predi...
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