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Advanced Practice Role Impacting Antibiotic Resistance Dilemma

Essay Instructions:

Unit 6 Assignment - Antibiotic Stewardship

Due Dec 12 by 11:59pm Points 40 Submitting a text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload

CDC Antibiotic Stewardship Initiative Discussion Paper

Construct a professional paper that outlines the advanced practice role – as a nurse educator, a nurse leader, or a nurse practitioner – to advance the CDC’s antibiotic resistance initiative. The paper needs to be a minimum of six (6) pages [excluding title and reference pages] consistent with APA style without an abstract page. The paper is worth 40 points.

Please include the following:

Introduction that identifies your advanced practice role and your view of how that role will be able to impact the antibiotic resistance dilemma. Support your discussion with at least two references from the literature.

Review the CDC’s goals and identify one of the CDC’s key strategies that you will be able to promote/support in your advanced practice role. Support your discussion with at least two references from the literature.

Discuss three activities/actions that you will develop to support the promotion of the key strategy that you identified in item 2 above. Each action/activity needs to be well designed and supported with at least one reference from the literature. [For example, if you are a nurse educator student – in what course(s) will you be able to promote your identified key strategies, be specific about what that would look like using example lesson plan(s), identify any active learning strategies you will utilize, etc., and provide justification for your strategies, etc.; if you are a nurse leader student – what program(s) and activities will you engage with relative to your organization, be that existing programs or creation of new programs, reporting mechanisms, development of collaborative committees, etc., and provide justification for your strategies, etc.; if you are a nurse practitioner student – what prescribing practices, patient education practices, monitoring programs, etc., will you engage with, and provide justification for your strategies, etc.

The paper is to be formatted according to APA style

Estimated time to complete: 3 hours


NU634 Unit 6 Assignment Rubric

NU634 Unit 6 Assignment Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFirst Prompt

10 pts


Well-developed introduction, with a minimum of two references identified.

8 pts


An introduction, with a minimum of two references identified.

6 pts


An introduction, missing a minimum of two references identified.

0 pts


No introduction or references

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSecond Prompt

15 pts


Identified one key CDC strategy, with a minimum of two references identified.

12 pts


Identified one key CDC strategy, with only one reference identified.

9 pts


Identified one key CDC strategy, no reference identified.

0 pts


No key CDC strategy, no reference identified.

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThird Prompt

10 pts


Identified 3 activities/actions each supported with at least one reference.

9 pts


Identified 2 activities/actions each supported with at least one reference.

7 pts


Identified 1 activities/actions each supported with at least one reference.

0 pts


No activities/actions each supported with at least one reference.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA and Grammar

5 pts


Paper is constructed in APA style and demonstrates graduate level grammar competency

4 pts


Paper is constructed in APA style and demonstrates less than graduate level grammar competency

3 pts


Paper is NOT constructed in APA style and demonstrates undergraduate level grammar competency

0 pts


Paper is NOT constructed in APA style and demonstrates less than graduate level grammar competency

5 pts

Total Points: 40

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Antibiotic Stewardship
Due Date
Antibiotic Stewardship
The CDC estimates that at least 2.8 million people in the U.S. get an antibiotic-resistant infection, and more than 35,000 people die (CDC, 2020). The CDC developed an intervention strategy to detect, respond, contain, and prevent resistant infections across healthcare settings, food, and communities. As antibiotic resistance has been increasing in the U.S., the CDC set out to find a way of containing the problem. CDC came up with a number of time-bound objectives and strategies to achieve them. These objectives will need multi-professional teams. One profession that must be represented is nurse educators. Nurse educators will help in designing a new curriculum to inform future nurses and retrain nursing in the field on the new knowledge from CDC research. Nurse educators will form an important bridge, on the research spearheaded by the CDC, into the problem and impart the knowledge to nursing students.
Review of CDC goals on antibiotic resistance dilemma
CDC came up with five main goals in addressing antibiotic resistance (CDC, 2020):
Slow the emergence of resistant bacteria and prevent the spread of resistant infections
This goal was to stop and reverse the emergence of resistant bacteria. Bacteria mutate fast to become resistant to some drugs. Therefore, the CDC envisioned a plan to invest in research to slow the emergence of drug-resistant bacteria and prevent their spread.
Strengthen national One Health Surveillance efforts to combat resistance
Antibiotic resistance can leverage existing programs and infrastructure such as One Health Surveillance efforts to collect data and detect, track, and respond to antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Advance development and use of rapid and innovative diagnostic tests for identification and characterization of resistant bacteria
Resistant bacteria need a new set of tools to defeat. To defeat drug-resistant bacteria, new and innovative tools ought to be used. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop new drugs and diagnostic tools to track the development of resistant bacteria.
Accelerate basic and applied research and development for new antibiotics, other therapeutics, and vaccines objectives
Ultimately, the drug-resistant bacteria will be defeated by new, more effective drugs. There must be efforts to develop new drugs that can be used against drug-resistant bacteria. Additionally, research into vaccines helps people and animals develop resistance to those bacteria before they mutate.
Improve international collaboration and capacities for antibiotic resistance prevention, surveillance, control, and antibiotic research and development
Antibiotic resistance is not only a problem in America but in the world at large. The only way to defeat the drug-resistant bacteria is by collaborating with other countries to develop drugs and prevent the spread of new strains from reaching the United States.
CDC key strategy in need of nursing educator practice role
One of the key CDC strategies is: Accelerate basic and applied research and development for new antibiotics, other therapeutics, and vaccines objectives.
Nursing educators will be needed in several capacities to achieve this role. Firstly, nurse educators will be instrumental in passing the knowledge derived from various research studies done by the CDC and other stakeholders to nursing students. Nurse educators are involved in designing, evaluating, updating, and implementing new and current nursing education curriculum; hence they can ensure the curriculum reflects current research into the Antibiotic resistance problem CITATION Reg21 \l 1033 (Registered Nursing Organization, 2021).
Nurse educators will be needed in developing research studies, especially on the people. Nursing students ought to learn about research methods and will be involved in different stages of developing new drugs; hence they must be taught research methods. Nursing educators also teach the ethics of research, which would be an important factor to consider when researching drug-resistant bacteria. They will ensure the next generation of nurses is well-equipped with knowledge on the best practices and procedures of studying the antibiotic resistance problem.
Secondly, nurse educators should be in the multi-disciplinary teams researching and developing new antibiotics and drugs to fight resistant bacteria. The drug development process needs a multi-disciplinary team to advise on all facets of drug development from research, development, clinical trials, and introduction to the market. Nursing educators learn and teach management and leadership skills in class, which can help organize, coordinate, and lead multi-disciplinary and multi-talented teams.
Thirdly, nurse educators are also instrumental in educating the next generation of nurses on public health issues like the importance of vaccines. Nurse educators can help develop a curriculum that imparts this knowledge to nursing students. Nurse educators can play an important role in preparing the next generation of professionals who can help slow or stop antibiotic resistance by producing competent nurses. For example, currently, there is a lot of misinformation on vaccines. Nursing educators can develop a curriculum around teaching nursing students where this problem stems from and address it.
Activities you will develop to support pr...
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