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Viability of Advancing Research and Clinical Practice Through Close Collaboration Model

Essay Instructions:

Applying a model or framework for change ensures that a process is in place to guide the efforts for change. In 500-750 words, discuss the model or framework you will use to implement your evidence-based practice proposal project.
Include the following:
Identify the selected model or framework for change and discuss its relevance to your project.
Discuss each of the stages in the change model/framework.
Describe how you would apply each stage of the model or theoretical framework in your proposed implementation.
Create a concept map for the conceptual model or framework you selected to illustrate how it will be applied to your project. Attach this as an appendix at the end of your paper.
You are required to cite minimum of four peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

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Framework or Model for Change
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Framework or Model for Change
The need for evidence-based practice (EBP) continues to grow in the healthcare sector. The adoption and implementation of EBP, albeit limited, has proven to be greatly ground-breaking in helping to enhance healthcare. Li and Zhu (2019) note that EBP helps to enhance care and improve patient outcomes. However, EBP adoption has not been as positive as expected. Aside from the cold reception that EBP continues to receive from the healthcare professionals, there is also the slow adoption rate that continues to limit its importance in the sector. However, for the case and intervention identified, this paper will assess the viability of a model that can help ensure the successful implementation of the intervention.
Identify the selected model or framework for change and discuss its relevance to your project.
The selected framework to help guide the implementation of the EBP is the Advancing Research and Clinical Practice Through Close Collaboration (ARCC) model. As a model of implementing EBP, the ARCC model has been tried and tested. The ARCC model seeks more than trying to guide or enhance the adoption and implementation of EBP. According to Friesen et al. (2017), the ARCC model also seeks to change the beliefs of the healthcare professionals concerning EBP. The model makes use of EBP mentors to help drive up support for the same. The goal is holistic in that it vets the organization’s readiness, identifies the barriers to EBP implementation, and also determines ways or people who can help drive up support for EBP. The use of the ARCC model has been widely and positively influencing the EBP implementation process. In their study, Melnyk et al. (2017) determined that the use of the ARCC model helps enhance the beliefs of the healthcare professionals while also helping to change the culture of an organization to be more receptive to accepting EBP.
Discuss each of the stages in the change model/framework.
The ARCC model is made up of five phases or steps which guide EBP implementation. These steps include assessment of organizational readiness, the identification of the drivers and hurdles to EBP implementation, identification of the mentors to help promote belief in EBP, implementation of the EBP, and evaluation of the EBP results. These steps are key to the success or lack thereof of EBP implementation.
1 Organizational readiness
The readiness of an organization to accept or adopt EBP is crucial to the success of EBP implementation. An organization’s readiness is determined by its management’s willingness to have a culture that is willing to accept or open doors to change.
2 Identification of the drivers and hurdles to EBP implementation
This step mainly entails the identification of the individuals who can drive up change in the organization. These are people who are sold out to the EBP and believe in its ability to influence change and enhance the quality of care. However, as is always the case, there are internal hurdles to the EBP process, and this step identifies such hurdles. These are made clear to help the organization deal with the same to promote smooth adoption of the proposed EBP.
3 Identification of mentors to help promote EBP
As earlier indicated, the ARCC model is keen to promote belief in EBP. Therefore, to achieve this feat, the ARCC model includes mentors in the EBP process who champion for EBP in an organization. As Friesen et al. (2017) indicate, the ARCC model uses “intensive, structured mentorship” to help promote belief in the EBP process.
4 Implementation of EBP
This step considers the p...
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