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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Advanced Health Assessment on Maternal Mental Health Disorders (MMHDs)

Essay Instructions:

Maternal Mental Health Disorders (MMHDs)



The purpose of the graded collaborative discussions is to engage faculty and students in an interactive dialogue to assist the student in organizing, integrating, applying, and critically appraising knowledge regarding advanced health assessment. Meaningful dialogue among faculty and students fosters the development of a learning community as ideas, perspectives, and knowledge are shared.

Course Outcomes

This discussion enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 1: Interpret subjective and objective data to develop appropriate diagnoses and evidence-based management plans for selected patients with psychiatric mental health diagnoses across the lifespan. (PO 5)

CO 2: Select appropriate medications according to patient age, presentation and unique patient factors. (PO 5)

CO 3: Employ appropriate health promotion and disease prevention strategies in the management of the healthcare needs of the psychiatric mental health patient. (POs 2, 5)

CO 4: Collaborate with interdisciplinary team members to improve the quality of healthcare. (PO 5)

CO 5: Involve the patient and family in the formulation of management plans that align with their goals and perspectives of mental health and wellness. (PO 5)

CO 6: Apply ethical and legal principles to the healthcare needs and management of acutely ill psychiatric mental health patients across the lifespan. (PO 1)

Due Date

Initial posts are due to the discussion board by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. MT. Instructor and peer responses are due by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT. Students must post on a minimum of two separate days. A 10% late penalty will be imposed for discussions posted after the deadline Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. MT, regardless of the number of days late. NOTHING will be accepted after 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday (i.e., the student will receive an automatic 0).

Total Points Possible

This discussion is worth a total of 75 points.

Preparing the Discussion

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions. 

Application of Course Knowledge

Read the following case study and answer the questions below in your initial response.

Natalie is a 32-year-old who gave birth to a healthy baby girl 12 weeks ago. Two years ago, she had a stillborn son. Natalie was initially very excited about the birth of her baby and thrilled to receive attention from extended family and friends. Over the past two weeks, she has become withdrawn, anxious, and feeling very guilty about the fact that this baby survived when her son did not. She has continued to breastfeed but feels “disconnected” from the baby. Natalie’s only contact with health care providers since delivery has been her obstetrician for a 6-week follow-up and her daughter’s pediatrician for the 1-month and 2-month well-baby visits. Natalie’s mental health was not addressed at either visit. She has sought care with the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) because she is concerned about her mental health. Natalie has no history of a mental health diagnosis and is anxious about the stigma of seeking treatment for her low mood, especially since her mother-in-law told her that she should have “bounced back” by now.

Answer the following questions:

Identify the appropriate screening tool for Natalie to complete during her first visit and discuss why the selected tool is appropriate for the client.

Natalie is diagnosed with peripartum depression. Identify the appropriate treatment for Natalie and discuss why the selected treatment is appropriate for the client.

Natalie has concerns about the stigma associated with seeking mental health care. Discuss at least two (2) strategies the PMHNP can use to address these concerns.

Examine the resources available at Postpartum Support International Links to an external site. https://www(dot)postpartum(dot)net/

. Identify at least two (2) specific resources from the website that are appropriate for Natalie and discuss why the selected resources are appropriate for the client.

Screenings for maternal mental health disorders are under or ineffectively used. Discuss at least two (2) strategies for collaborating with providers in your community to offer screenings and appropriate referrals to mental health providers to promote better outcomes for maternal mental health.

Integration of Evidence: Provide support from a minimum of one scholarly in-text citation in addition to the textbook.   

Engagement in Meaningful Dialogue: Respond to a student peer and course faculty to further dialogue.  

Substantive posts contribute new, novel perspectives to the discussion using original dialogue (not quotes from sources).

Student posts at least two responses to peers and/or faculty.

Student responds to all faculty questions posed directly to the student.

Post includes evidence from at least one scholarly resource to support interactive dialogue.  

Professionalism in Communication: Present information in a logical, meaningful, and understandable sequence that is relevant to the discussion topic.   

Grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation are accurate.  

Good writing calls for the limited use of direct quotes. Direct quotes in discussions are to be limited to one short quotation (not to exceed 10 words). The quote must add substantively to the discussion.  

Reference Citation: Provide references with complete information as required by APA (0-1 errors). Include in-text citations included for all references AND references for all in-text citations (0 errors).  

Wednesday Participation Requirement: Provide a substantive response to the graded discussion question(s) or topic(s), posted by the course faculty (not a response to a peer), by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT of each week.  

Total Participation Requirement: Provide at least three substantive posts (one to the initial question or topic, one to a student peer, and one to a faculty question) on two different days during the week.

**To view the grading criteria/rubric, please click on the three (3) dots in the upper in the box at the end of the solid gray bar, above the

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Maternal Mental Health Disorders (MMHDS)
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Institutional Affiliations
Course Name and Number
Due Date
Maternal Mental Health Disorders (MMHDS)
Natalie’s case reveals that she is grappling with perinatal mental health complications. The reported changes in moods, guiltiness, and withdrawal that persist beyond two months after birth demonstrates the need for psychological health care to assist her in recovering. As a result, a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) can apply diverse strategies, including screening Natalie for diagnosis, recommending appropriate treatment, and referring her to resources that can assist her in dealing with various issues related to the condition.
During the screening and diagnosis stage, a PMHNP can use the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) screening tool for the patient. Levis et al. (2020) indicate that such a tool is appropriate for identifying individuals with perinatal mood disorders. The 10-item tool offers the best and most thorough mechanism for screening patients and informing accurate diagnosis due to the high level of specificity and sensitivity across different subgroups. Cox (2021) also supports the approval of this tool in perinatal depression. Thus, its use would assist healthcare providers in devising appropriate treatment methods.
Psychotherapy is the most effective treatment option for Natalie. According to Cox (2021), this treatment option has received widespread approval from diverse researchers for its ability to gradually assist patients in recollecting themselves and redirecting their emotions and lives. The author indicates that it has a notable effectiveness comparable to antidepressants fundamental for eradicating depressive symptoms in women. Moreover, the appropriateness of this option is that it goes beyond improving the mental health outcomes of the mother to leaving positive impacts on the infant (Cox, 2021). It also refines the mother-infant bond, which is crucial for eradicating the disconnect expressed by Natalie to her daughter to avert intergenerational transmission of the condition.
Since stigma is commonplace in treating perinatal mental issues, the PMHNP should empower women to overcome these social issues. They can achieve this objective through education to increase their awareness of how stigma occurs and diverse tactics for overcoming them. Cox (2021) indicates that knowledge of hea...
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