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The Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Asthma and Acute Asthma Exacerbation

Essay Instructions:

Complications of asthma can be sudden. Consider the case of Bradley Wilson, a young boy who had several medical conditions. He appeared in good health when he went to school, returned home, and ate dinner. However, when he later went outside to play, he came back inside wheezing. An ambulance took him to the hospital where he was pronounced dead (Briscoe, 2012). In another case, 10-year-old Dynasty Reese, who had mild asthma, woke up in the middle of the night and ran to her grandfather’s bedroom to tell him she couldn’t breathe. By the time paramedics arrived, she had passed out and was pronounced dead at the hospital (Glissman, 2012). These situations continue to outline the importance of recognizing symptoms of asthma and providing immediate treatment, as well as distinguishing minor symptoms from serious, life-threatening symptoms. Since these symptoms and attacks are often induced by a trigger, as an advanced practice nurse, you must be able to help patients identify their triggers and recommend appropriate treatment options. For this reason, you need to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation.

To Prepare

Identify the pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation. Consider how these disorders are similar and different.

Use the patient factor genetics. Think about how genetics might impact the pathophysiology of both disorders. Reflect on how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment of these disorders for a patient based on the factor you selected.

Construct two mind maps—one for chronic asthma and one for acute asthma exacerbation. Consider the epidemiology and clinical presentation of both chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation.

To Complete:

Write a 2 page paper (2 full pages of typed info please) that addresses the following:

Describe the pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation. Be sure to explain the changes in the arterial blood gas patterns during an exacerbation.

Explain how the factor you selected might impact the pathophysiology of both disorders. Describe how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment for a patient based on the factor you selected.

On the third page construct two mind maps—one for chronic asthma and one for acute asthma exacerbation. Include the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation, as well as the diagnosis and treatment you explained in your paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 6 Asthma
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Asthma is a severe lung disease that can inflame or narrow the airways, leading to breathing problems and feelings of restlessness. It can also cause recurring periods of wheezing, chest tightness, cough, and long-term flu. The coughing often takes place in the night or early in the morning. Asthma can affect people of all age groups, but it mostly starts in childhood. Millions of people in the United States are known to have asthma (Powell, 2016). The pathophysiological mechanism of chronic asthma is closely linked to the etiological aspects of Chlamydia and persistent viral infections. Microorganisms especially viruses often lead to asthma, and the key mechanism in this exacerbation is the replication of viruses that originate in the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract and trigger the release of cytokine. It also leads to inflammation and unnecessary mucus production. No changes in the arterial blood gas patterns take place in case of chronic asthma. On the other hand, acute asthma can be defined as the acute exacerbation of asthma that fails to respond to any standard treatment of corticosteroids or bronchodilators. Tightness in the chest may take place during this disease, which is because of the excessive exposure to the allergen. Inflammation in acute asthma is characterized by the influx of eosinophils in the early stage, and this is when eosinophils, lymphocytes, neutrophils, and mast cells are mixed together. A large number of changes in the arterial blood gas patterns take place during an exacerbation, which is primarily because of the development of T2 lymphocytes.
It should be noticed that dehydration impacts the pathophysiology of both acute asthma and chronic asthma. According to Sarawut Sujarittham and Suranarong Srisuwan, people who do not drink enough water may develop varying respiratory, blood circulatory and digestive illnesses at a fast speed. This is because the low level of water in the body can keep the epithelial cells from performing their functions correctly. It frequently leads to edema damage coupled with hyper-responsiveness (Sujarittham & Srisuwan, 2014). In addition, exposure to metal toxici...
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