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Chronic Physical Health Conditions in Boys and Girls

Essay Instructions:

Select four acute and/or chronic adolescent gender-specific physical health conditions to discuss that are NOT the result of behavioral or gender choice issues, 2 specific to boys and 2 specific to girls. Discuss student attitude towards their condition and issues regarding responsibility for self-care. Discuss the role of the school nurse and an appropriate theory that could be applied. (Text: Selekman.)

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Adolescent Health Conditions
Institution Affiliation
Both boys and girls experience a transition stage in their life that is characterized by physical and psychological developments. In the United States, the stage ranges between 10-19 years. The adolescents’ androgen hormones surges spur secondary physical developments which can be acute (lasting on for short period of time during adolescence), or chronic (persisting up to adulthood) (Marcell& Ellen,2012).
Chronic physical health conditions in boys
The production of testosterone hormone in boys increases their muscles strength and broadens the shoulders. This enables them to acquire an ideal male body shape as they advance towards adult stage. During skeletal growth phase in boys, muscle fibers increase in length and girth causing the chest size to widen (Marcell& Ellen, 2012).
In addition, the boy’s testicles and the scrotum enlarge and the penis grows in size. The testes start sperm production and boys experience spontaneous penile erections and ejaculations which can be very embarrassing. However, abnormality in genitalia development leads to premature ejaculations and priapism which are sexual dysfunctions (Marcell& Ellen, 2012).
Chronic physical conditions in girls
Breast develop in the girls at the age of 8 or 10 years with others starting at the age of thirteen. This begins inform of breast buds due to deposition of fatty tissues and development of milk-producing glands inside breasts. The areolas grow bigger and become darker and the nipples enlarge (Kretschet al, 2015).
The hip sizes in girls become wider and rounded. The estrogen hormone surge triggers fat deposition in the female body, especially around the hips. At this stage, the reproductive system matures and girls are capable of conceiving. Menstruation also begins and the girls start seeing their monthly periods. The enlargement of pelvic girdle is important at this stage for reproductive purposes and physically manifest as wide and rounded hips in girls (Kretsch et al, 2015).
Attitude towards adolescence physical health condition and self-care responsibility
Moreover, adolescents may have positive or negative attitudes towards their physical body appearance. The negative physical body image during this stage can elicit dissatisfaction and low self-esteem especially among girls. Social media such as the internet, Facebook and television influences the attitude of adolescents toward physical health changes. They want their physical body image to conform to the perceived lean body ideals which influence their eating behaviors, physical activities and exercises (Kretsch et al, 2015).
Furthermore, adolescents with disordered physical appearances experience social discrimination from their peers and become physically inactive. This poses great health risks such as obesity and diabetes. It is therefore important for teachers and parents to educate and counsel students on the need for healthy physical exercise and good nut...
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