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Abstract for Research Involving Black People

Essay Instructions:

To provide concise description of your research, findings and the implications to clinical practice.

Submission Instructions:

All components of the abstract must be typed and single-spaced. Font size should be no smaller than 12 point, Times New Roman or Arial. Submissions must be in Microsoft Word.

A complete abstract submission includes four separate components, saved as separate documents. Please save these as your last name_first name_ document name (i.e. Bunny_Bugs_coverpage.doc). The required components include the following:

Cover page

Abstract that includes authors and authors’ affiliations

Cover page is to include the following:

First name, last name, and credential(s) of the primary author

Primary author’s preferred contact information

First name, last name, and credential(s) of all other authors. List each author on a separate line. Only include those who have had significant contributions to the project.

Abstract page is to include the following:

The TITLE, which should be brief and clearly indicates the nature of the presentation. It is centered at the top of the abstract and typed in CAPITAL LETTERS.

First name, last name, and credential(s) of primary author; co-author names and credentials.

BODY/TEXT which is to be typed single-spaced and should be no more than 300 words. The abstract should not exceed one (1) page.

Organize the BODY/TEXT of the abstract as follows using the following headers:

Background and significance: Describe the problem/situation and rationale for the need for improvement (Include baseline measures if applicable, i.e. CLABSI rate of X% over the past X months)

Research question

Methods/Approach - Identify databases searched, inclusion/exclusion criteria and other processes used to obtain the the results

Results – Summarize measures and findings/outcomes of the initiative

Use orders 00152004, 00152210, 00152286, 00152522, 00152523 as needed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

First name, Last name, and credential(s) of the primary author
Primary author’s preferred contact information
First name, last name, and credential(s) of all other authors
Full Name of the Researcher
Researcher’s Contact Information
Other Researchers Names
Other Researchers Affiliation
Black people have no equal opportunities compared to other groups (Kalin, 2021) and do not have access to healthcare services, particularly psychiatric care (Arredondo, 2019; Sacks, 2018). However, they are the people who require psychiatric care due to the effects of racism and are predisposed to death (Assari, 2018; Bailey et al., 2021). Specifically, the study focuses on Black women. They face prejudice because of their race and gender (Kalin, 2021; Mensah et al., 2021; Nazroo et al., 2020). These women have been subjected to violence and other misfortunate events leading to various mental health problems such as PTSD and depression (Catabay et al., 2019; Gómez & Gobin, 2020). However, their psychiatric care is insufficient (Annamma et al., 2017), affecting their mortality rate.
The term “black” is a racialized word that refers to people who are black. Black women in the United States are victims of racism and violence, which affects their mental health. Furthermore, this group does not receive adequate psychiatric care. Psychiatric care includes assessing, treating, and mitigating mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders (Trestman & Waghray, 2022). Due to discrimination against their race and gender, Black women have a higher rate of depression and other mental illnesses, which affects their morality (Bridges, 2019; Walton & Boone, 2019; Williams & Lewis, 2019). Thus, the study seeks to ascertain the effects of psychiatric care on the mortality rate of Black Women aged 20 to 30 who have been subjected to violence and suffer from PTSD and depression.
Search Strategy
The PICO question was developed using PubMed. The researcher found numerous journal articles in the database and used articles needed that contain filtered information or whose level of evidence is 1 and 2. The MESH words include Black people, psychiatric care, and mortality rate. Additionally, the inclusion and exclusion criteria have made the search more specific (Connelly, 2020; Hornberger & Rangu, 2020; Keung et al., 2020). The inclusion criteria include gender, race, age, medical illness, and life experiences. Meanwhile, the exclusion criteria include other health concerns and interventions.
Results of Literature Search
The researcher has used twenty-one articles for the study. The articles are arranged in topical order and from broad to specific. The study has discovered several factors that intervene in Black women’s receipt of psychiatric care. It can be due to poverty, technology (Parikh et al., 2019), geographical location, or even the human workforce. However, racism has remained the main reason women did not receive healthcare services. The study has also identified that receiving no psychiatric care can affect their mortality rate.
Synthesis of Evidence
The study’s specific goal was to discover the effects of providing and not providing psychiatric care on the mortality rate of Black women. Furthermore, the study has revealed the numerous reasons why this group of people does not receive psychiatric care. However, the study found that Black women are victims of violence, racism, and inequality, allowing them to live cruel lives. Psychiatric care that is anti-racist will end racism and save lives (Cénat, 2020; Stoute, 2020).
Implications for Practice
Mental health or psychiatric nursing requires specific skills that may be honed through further education via research or experience. These are vital to developing the best approach for the patient’s welfare (Cusack et a...
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