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AB 1110 Burke Legislative Bill Assignment Medicine and Nursing

Essay Instructions:

Explore, synthesize and evaluate legislation bill AB 1100 Burke that affects school health practice. Describe this legislation bill that has the potential to affect the school health program, school-age students or school nursing practice in California. What are the possible effects of this legislation on children/education/school nursing? State your position for or against this legislation. Write a one-page summary of the bill and why you oppose or support this bill. Does CSNO support or oppose this bill? What other organizations are behind it or against it? Why? Are there alternatives or compromises that you could propose? Write a one-page summary citing sources. Use the guidelines for a letter found in the CSNO Advocacy Handbook on the CSNO website (www(dot)csno(dot)org). Write a one-page letter of support/nonsupport for the bill to legislator, committee or other. Make a clear statement about what you want the reader to do. State who you are (constituent, expert, etc.) and how you can be reached.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
AB 1110 Burke Legislative Bill Assignment
AB 1110 Burke Legislative Bill is an existing law that governs the board of a school district to ensure that stringent measures are established aimed at providing diligent care to the physical development and health of pupils. The law, therefore authorizes the governing board of the school district to employ certified personnel’s for this work. On the other hand, this law additionally authorizes school nurses, subject to the approval of the governing board of the institutions to perform different health care services to pupils, an aspect that this paper seeks to pursue (Lawrence, 2012). This paper therefore seeks to explore, synthesize, and evaluate the legislation bill, AB 1100 Burke and the manner in which it affects school health practices. The paper will additionally determine the bills potential to affect the school health programs in California.
The AB 1110 Burke Legislative Bill
According to the findings, the health care needs of pupils were not being adequately addressed in California’s public schools as a result of the lack of qualified professionals employed by different school districts who had access to local schools. On the other hand, most of the school nurses were uniquely qualified in attending to the primary care of children who suffered from acute and chronic health conditions, an aspect that resulted in excessive absenteeism in schools. Given this, the AB 1110 Burke Legislative Bill was introduced to provide case management services that ensured health care access and follow-up health care services were provided to pupils with the aim of improving the effectiveness of healthcare in these institutions(Lili & Van Ta, 2014). The AB 1110 Burke Legislative Bill is a health coverage that provides reproductive health services to students. This existing law therefore provides the licensure and regulation of health care service plans as established by the Department of Managed Health Care by making willful violations on different acts of crime. The primary intent of this legislation was aimed at ensuring that the governing boards of each school district and county superintendents of these schools maintain the fundamental school health care at levels that adequately accomplish the following goals:
* Preserve the learner’s ability to learn.
* Fulfill the existing state policies and requirements that pertain to the pupil’s health.
* Contain the growing health care costs through the inclusion of education and preventive programs.
Possible Effects of this Legislation on Children/Education/School Nursing
According to Lili & Van T (2014), the AB 1110 Burke Legislative Bill is an existing law that governs the board of a school district to ensure that stringent measures are established aimed at providing diligent care to the physical development and health of pupils. The AB 1110 Burke Legislative Bill therefore establishes vision screenings with the school site aimed at detecting vision problems in 1 out of 3 children (33.3% of children) in California. This remains a huge challenge since vision problems are prevalent among children learning. Through the AB 1110, parents, educational institutions and school nurses are educated on the significance of giving children comprehensive eye examinations by physicians, ophthalmologist, and optometrist with the aim of increasing the chances of addressing the vision problems earlier in their life. On the other hand, the existing law denotes the need for pupil’s vision to be appraised by school nurses and other authorized personnel’s during their kindergarten years or upon their fast enrollment in elementary schools and in grades 2, 5, and 8 unless these appraisals are waived...
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