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Final Project 6-2 Worksheet: Major Conclusions

Essay Instructions:

In this worksheet activity, you will need to analyze the conclusions reached by the researchers in your final project article and compare them to the
conclusions of a similar study from the reference section of your selected study. You will also need explain how the study you have analyzed contributes to
scientific literature and speculate about further investigations that might take place because of this research.
Prompt: For this worksheet assignment, complete the following steps:
1. Review the article you selected for the final project.
2. Review the article with a similar study referenced by your final project article.
3. Download and complete the Module Six Worksheet document, addressing the questions in the five areas below:
Purpose, research question, and hypothesis
Research methods
Results or key findings
Major conclusions
4. Upload and submit your completed worksheet assignment.
Guidelines for Submission: Your response to each question in the worksheet should be written in your own word. You may paraphrase information from the
article, but do not directly quote or copy and paste text. Once you have completed the worksheet template, upload and submit your saved worksheet file to
Blackboard to finish this assignment

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Module Six Worksheet
In this worksheet activity, analyze the conclusions reached by the researchers in your final project article and compare them to the conclusions of the corresponding Reference Article from the provided list. Explain how the study you have analyzed contributes to scientific literature and speculate about further investigations that might take place because of this research. To complete this assignment, complete the following steps:
Review the article you selected for the final project.
Review the corresponding Reference Article from the provided list. .
Download and complete this Module Six Worksheet document. Compare your final project article to the article with the corresponding Reference Article. Address the following topics through the worksheet questions below:
Purpose, research question, and hypothesis
Research methods
Key findings
Major conclusions
Upload and submit your completed worksheet assignment.
Final Project ArticleReference ArticleFull APA CitationHe, J., Staggs, V., Bergquist-Beringer, S., & Dunton, N. (2016). Nurse staffing and patient outcomes: a longitudinal study on trend and seasonality. BMC Nursing, 15(1). Chau, J. P., Lo, S. H., Choi, K. C., Chan, E. L., McHugh, M. D., Tong, D. W., ... & Lee, D. T. (2015). A longitudinal examination of the association between nurse staffing levels, the practice environment and nurse-sensitive patient outcomes in hospitals. BMC health services research, 15(1), 538.Purpose, Research Question, and Hypothesis
Compare the following elements for each article using your own words and complete sentences.Purpose
What is the purpose of the study?
To evaluate the relation between trends in nursing staffing levels and patient outcomes ( pressure ulcers, patient fall and patient safety)

To evaluate the relationship between nurse staffing, skill mix of baccalaureate-prepared registered nurses and nurse-sensitive patient outcomes.
Research Question(s)
What is/are the research question(s)?How does nursing staffing levels affect patient outcomes
What is the influence of change in the nurse staff mix on patient outcomeHow does staffing levels influence nurse-sensitive outcomes, especially the skill mix of baccalaureate-prepared registered nurse in Hong Kong
What is/are the hypothesis(es) of the study?Increased nurse staff improves patient outcomes
Improving RN skill-mix improves the quality of care
Increasing the skill mix of baccalaureate-prepared registered nurses improves nurse-sensitive outcomes
Increasing nurse levels is associated with better nurse-sensitive outcomes,
Explanatory Variable(s)
What is/are the explanatory variable(s)?Nurse staffing levels
RN skill-mix
Nurse staffing levels
Nurse staff mix of baccalaureate-prepared registered nurses
Nursing practice environment
Response Variable(s)
What is/are the response variable(s)?Patient outcome (pressure ulcers and patient falls)
Nurse-sensitive outcomes,
Research Methods
Compare the following elements for each article using your own words and complete sentences.Observational or Experimental
Was this study observational or experimental?
Observational study looking at the influence of longitudinal trend and seasonality of patient outcomes

This was a prospective observational study
What populati...
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