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504-D6 Study Of Nursing Student Experiences Of Clinical Practice

Essay Instructions:


First page/1page APA format, 6th edition. 3 refences

Qualitative Research Design 

Using the knowledge and insights gained from the textbook and other reliable sources answer the following. Define, in your own words, qualitative research. Locate and cite two different types of qualitative research articles related to your PICOT project. Provide a brief explanation of each design. Identify a potential qualitative research study that is important to nursing and describe which design you would use for this study, why you would use that design, and how the information generated from the study could be applied in nursing practice. Reflect on the value of qualitative research adding to the science, knowledge, and practice of nursing.

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Qualitative Research
Qualitative research basically refers to exploratory research where one is trying to establish the underlying reasons, motivations of the opinions. It is a design that is used to develop ideas and hypothesis to better understand a given problem (Research Rundowns, 2017). As such, they are quite crucial when it comes to establishing the root causes of that could be leading to given set of situations.
One of the examples of a quantitative research is as follows;
Sharif, F., & Masoumi, S. (2005). A qualitative study of nursing student experiences of clinical practice. BMC Nursing, 4(1). http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1472-6955-4-6.
This is a research that uses the focus groups design. The basic idea behind the focus group design is that the researcher uses groups of participants. In this case, the researchers used 9 groups of students, each with ten participants (Sharif & Masoumi, 2005).
Liljeroos, M., Snellman, I., & Ekstedt, M. (2011). A qualitative study on the role of patient–nurse communication in acute cardiac care. Journal Of Nursing Education And Practice, 1(1). http://dx.doi.org/10.5430/jnep.v1n1p17
In the above research, the basic design used in the phenomenology one, where the research is based on an occurrence to be analyzed using a path to establish the basic elements of the situation (Liljeroos, Snellman & Ekstedt, 2011).
One of the issues that is affecting the nursing field is associated with burnouts. Most of the nurses are in job situations where they are always tired and demotivated to do their work. As such, the level of outcomes in most of the hospitals is less than optimal as most of the nurses do not apply themselves in their place of work (Miller, 2010). To research on the topic, the best design would be through the grouped theory, where interviews would be conducted on selected candidates from the various departments and hospitals to establish the root causes of burnouts and the possible solutions as suggested. The information generated from the research can then be applied at the departmental levels, to help the nurses improve their morale and efficiency (Miller, 2010). Considering that qualitative research is a way of getting to the root causes of a given situation, using approaches such as interviews and phenomenon designs, it is easy to see that, information generated from researches will enhance the understanding of the situations from the sources of inf...
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