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Addressing Understaffing in Trident International Hospital (TIH) Essay

Essay Instructions:

Healthcare delivery systems’ quality and improvement programs are designed to achieve improvement in needed areas. Usually there is a proposal or formal planning process before an improvement program/project begins.

Case Assignment

You are the Quality Improvement Director at Trident International Hospital (TIH). Select an area of interest that you would like to improve upon in the hospital, for example, reduction of patient falls. Be as specific as possible with your selection. You are to develop a proposal for an improvement plan/program for your selected area of interest. Include the following in a 2- to 3-page proposal:

Title Page – On the title page, identify the name of your plan (i.e., TIH Reduction in Patient Falls 2018: Quality Improvement Plan).

Key Features – Identify 3-4 key characteristics of your area of improvement (i.e., quarterly patient fall staff training, increase staffing by 10% by 2020 to assist with effective patient monitoring, etc.).

Impact on Healthcare Delivery System – Identify and explain how the improvement will impact healthcare delivery from a patient and organizational perspective.

Importance – Explain the importance of your improvement.

Benefits – Identify and explain 2-3 benefits of the area of improvement.

Challenges – Identify and explain 2-3 challenges in executing your improving plan/program (i.e., challenges related to understaffing and finances may impact program efficiencies).

Timeline – Identify a reasonable timeline to completion of your project.

Expected Outcomes – Identify 2-3 outcomes from your improvement plan (i.e., reduce patient falls by 30% by year 2020).

Note: The example used in this assignment cannot be used in your submission.

Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your report.

Limit your response to a maximum of 2 pages (title and reference page is not included in page number count).

Support your report with peer-reviewed articles, using at least 3 to 4 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www(dot)angelo(dot)edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php.

You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: https://owl(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html

For additional information on reliability of sources, review the following source: https://nccih(dot)nih(dot)gov/health/webresources.

This assignment will be graded based on the content in the rubric.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Addressing Understaffing in Trident International Hospital (TIH)
Student's Name
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Submission Date
Addressing Understaffing in Trident International Hospital (TIH)
The nurse-patient ratio has proved to be a stubborn problem in the healthcare sector, yet it is among the major determinants of healthcare service quality. Many health care facilities are overwhelmed by patients and always need nursing practitioners to ensure that patients are well attended to. Trident International Hospital, TIH is among the hospitals facing this challenge despite its status as an international healthcare provider facility. We must attend to it to ensure that it continues providing high-quality services. It is hard to fully resolve the issue because people's health status is not a definite issue. Instead, it fluctuates, meaning patients are sometimes many and sometimes fewer. In a study, Falk and Wallin (2016) found out that several hospitals are understaffed, leading to clinical mistakes that would otherwise have been resolved by having adequate nurses. This ensures that nurses do not overwork and handle more patients than they can effectively handle.
Nurse patient ratio has critical features that include a regular assessment of staffing in the health facility. It is essential to assess the nurse-patient balance in TIH after every six months to maintain an appropriate ratio to ensure that nurses are comfortable working. The institution spends enough to satisfy all the stakeholders in patient care.
Another feature is that assessing the nurse-patient ratio of TIH aims to raise the current number of nurses by 8 percent in all hospital branches. This will be done centrally them the nurses distributed depending on the needs of every unit. This way, all the branches of TIH will attain a uniform rating in patient care quality.
The onset of the COVID 19 pandemic introduced a bigger challenge that calls for assessing the nurse-patient ratio to improve and maintain a good patient care quality. The diseases take advantage of patients with pre-existing conditions, calling for enough nurses to tackle the unprecedented situation. This ensures that the pandemic does not overwhelm the situation in the hospital. Instead, the hospital provides quality services through early preparedness in addressing the staffing issue on time.
Addressing the staffing issue is very crucial for TIH's delivery system. First, it helps strengthen the brand in the face of patients and sponsors who would like to partner with the hospital for humanitarian services. Patients are likely to recommend TIH's services to others, attracting more patients seeking excellent services (MacPhee, Dahinten & Havaei, 2017). This is advantageous for the public image. The organization also gets partnership recommendations with other humanitarian bodies like red cross and the UN, which advocate for excellent health services. For example, the red cross will only deal with hospitals with enough staff to ensure that patients and victims of disasters are atten...
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