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06-U3-T2 Assignment: Ethics and Legal Dilemma

Essay Instructions:

Clinical Criteria for Determining Danger to Self

A 45-year-old wife of one of the staff physicians was admitted to the emergency room. She is intoxicated and loud. Her husband wants her admitted to the psychiatric unit. He has asked to have two other physicians that are his friends to sign the paper work to admit her. In New York State where the hospital is located two physicians can admit a patient against their will if they are a danger to themselves or others. You happen to be a neighbor and know that the couple is going through a divorce and the husband wants custody of the two children. You also know he is dating a nurse on another unit.

Differentiate between the ethical and legal implications of her admission. What actions will you take? Support your decisions with legal reasoning and case law.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethics and Legal Dilemma
Ethics and Legal Dilemma
There is a strong connection between what is considered ethical and what is legal. In some of the cases it is quite difficult to separate the two (Habeeb, 2016). As a nurse it is important to be in a position to separate the two as they apply to different elements (The Medical Protection Society Limited, 2018). However it important to mention that they can present quite a dilemma. In the case of the 45 year old patient, it is important that while she is loud and intoxicated her husband also wants to use the situation to get custody of the children.
Given that the state allows that one can be admitted against their own will, this is the first elements of the legal aspect of the case. In this light, the lady can be admitted at the hospital against her will (National Commission on Correctional Health Care, 2018). It is allowed and as such the hospital will not be breaking any laws. At the same time it is important to note that the husband wants to use the situation to take custody of the children, this presents the link between the legal and ethical elements of the case (Nati...
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