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Process Mapping the Protection of Intellectual Property

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Description

Research a product or service relevant to your chosen field of study. (The product is: Cellebrite introduces UFED Touch2 platform). You will be creating a hierarchical process map, consisting of three levels, that could be provided to a development team to follow to ensure that the intellectual property is protected. The process map will be focused on opportunities for intellectual property (IP) protection within the context of the creation of a new product or service relevant to your field of study. Proper protection for products/services often requires multiple forms of protection. Map out the process of appropriate protection of intellectual property, making sure to consider the legal processes involved. It is important to select the correct tool for the creation of a quality process map and the corresponding presentation.

1. Create a process map to describe intellectual property protection within the context of the creation a new product or service relevant to your field of study. Your map should include a minimum of 10 process steps.

2. Describe the intellectual property protection mechanism required to protect your product.

3. How is this intellectual property captured, registered, and/or protected?

(The product is: cellebrite introduces UFED Touch2 platform).

4. Clear inputs/outputs.

5. Clear scope definition.

6. Incorporate at least one subprocess.

In addition, in a minimum of 200 words, articulate and demonstrate how teamwork is integrated into, and supports, an organization.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Refer to "Process Mapping the Protection of Intellectual Property Presentation Scoring Guide," prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

BS Software Engineering

3.1: Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems by communicating effectively with a range of audiences through professional oral and written skills

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Process Mapping the Protection of Intellectual Property
Process Map
   This process map illustrates how the Cellebrite team will prepare to protect the UFED Touch2 platform design and completely control the technology based on intellectual property rights. 
1933575303530UFED Touch2 platform Intellectual protection00UFED Touch2 platform Intellectual protection
66675318770Input: Clear design, logo, team, written document0Input: Clear design, logo, team, written document4248150347345Trademark, patent confidentiality agreementTrademark, patent confidentiality agreement
42100503752850Gain Intellectual protection 00Gain Intellectual protection 1895475396240Submit trademark and patent application Draft agreement 00Submit trademark and patent application Draft agreement 258127528194062865027241500489585030099000left410210Arrange documents0Arrange documents638175272415
344805012065Submit trademark to protect Cellebrite’s logo0Submit trademark to protect Cellebrite’s logo186690012065Submit patent to protect UFED Touch2 design0Submit patent to protect UFED Touch2 design31432512065Draft confidentiality agreement to avoid information disclosure0Draft confidentiality agreement to avoid information disclosure
4448175288924Sign confidentiality agreement00Sign confidentiality agreement6543675298449Confirm patent and trademark approval00Confirm patent and trademark approval
left180340006048375170815459105018034030861001708151504950180340-9525180340-657225461010Final design 0Final design
62865008890Pay for application fee and send the application0Pay for application fee and send the application38957258890Fill application form0Fill application form23812508890Involve a lawyer0Involve a lawyer86677518415Confirm non-existence of previous patent0Confirm non-existence of previous patent
Intellectual Property Protection Mechanism
           The intellectual property protection mechanism required to protect the UFED Touch2 platform is the registration of trademarks and patents. Trademarks are unique signs or marks that distinguish a company’s products or services from others. Trademark registration will protect Cellebrite’s product design, signature, and name from commercial saboteurs who might imitate the trademarks for their own economic gain. Patent registration protects the entire product by giving the company full ownership and control of the technology. It is usually obtained for any invention relating to a unique product or service capable of industrial application (Manzini & Lazzarotti, 2016). Therefore, the trademark and patent registration mechanism will protect Cellebrite’s UFED Touch2 and its features, preventing competitors from copying the company’s device. 
How this Intellectual Property is Captured, Registered and/or Protected
The intellectual property within the creation of UFED Touch2 is captured, registered and/or protected by filing a formal application with the relevant registering bodies. In the application, the company must attach a complete product description and evidence of the intellectual property development. The Patent and Trademark Office will then consider the application and grant the company full product ownership based on the applicable intellectual property laws. Through drafting a trademark and patent application, Cellebrite will have a right to stop others from copying, manufacturing, and distributing its invention without the company’s permission. By doing so, Cellebrite will obstruct competing goods, threaten n...
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