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The Future of Renewable Energy in the Planet

Essay Instructions:

The idea for this paper is to give your thoughts on the future of renewable energy based on your own thoughts. Some questions to think about are:
• What renewable energy source(s) is poised to see the most growth over the next decade?
• What about fossil fuels like natural gas and coal?
• Do you foresee any renewable energy making any fossil fuel obsolete?
• Think in terms of electric vehicles (EVs) would you anticipate more EVs on the market for more consumers (i.e. trucking, 4-wheel drive capabilities, large SUV, etc.) over the next decade?
• If you were to get a visit from yourself from 2031, what would future you say to today you about energy and what has happened over the past decade (think realistically, but in 2011 no one thought a Tesla would be available or as popular as it is right now so really…who knows what the next decade holds!)?
Again follow the same format as before (APA) and you’ll get up to six pages to let me know what you think the future of renewable energy holds! It is also ok, if you think the outlook is bad, you’ve done a lot of research on your own so feel free to go wherever you want with the future of renewable energy!

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The global energy demands look insatiable with the rising population and increase in utilities. Renewable energy is any type of energy that comes from natural processes that can be constantly and continuously replenished and, as a result, cannot be deleted. Recent concerns around the world have been the global energy requirements and how the mainstream energy sources are rapidly getting depleted while the energy demands are increasing by the day. Renewable energy sources have therefore become the hope for the future of the globe, especially at a time when the impacts of environmental destruction are being evident through the ravaging elements of climate change.
Current and Past Practices
It is always said that the future is green. This is to mean that the future will have the world turning to environmentally friendly energy sources. The world as it is now is suffocating as a result of destructive human activities. The current and the past practices have been so destructive to the environment, with there being a lot of reliance on energy sources such as coal, charcoal, and fossil fuels. All these are detrimental to the environment, as forests get destroyed in search of firewood and trees to burn charcoal, while the atmosphere gets polluted due to the toxic fumes from the burning of fossil fuel. People cut down trees without replanting new ones in their place, resulting in serious environmental concerns. The problem cuts across, and no country is exempted, not even the most developed ones in the world. Countries such as China are so heavily polluted that some of their cities have smog-causing massive traffic jams. These air pollutants also have a detrimental impact on the health of people. Respiratory illnesses have become the order of the day. It is, therefore, a call for collective effort where everyone needs to be involved.
The Future of Renewable Energy
The future of energy effort fights to eliminate fossil fuels such as coal, and the focus is more on solar and wind, which are well-established renewable energy source technologies. While they are established, they are relatively not as developed as they should be. There seems to be under-investment in the wind and energy sector as most of the attention has been focused on other energy sources such as nuclear energy. The only thing holding back wind and solar as dependable sources of renewable energy is an investment. If attention is brought back to them, then that is what the future will look like; clean and green.
However, there is a need to consider some critical factors towards establishing wind and solar as renewable energy sources. According to Azarpour et al. (2012), place and energy patterns are necessary to determine the potential of harnessing solar power. For example, solar energy greatly relies on the sun and the diurnal range of sunlight. When sunshine is limited, then it quickly becomes an ineffective source of energy. There are some parts of the world that are largely less supplied with sunlight and hence might not find solar energy as a useful source of energy. For instance, solar power cannot be an energy source in Northern parts of Europe and Canada, which leaves wind energy as the only alternative in these regions.
Besides, solar power is not a suitable energy source for areas having lower energy density, such as Singapore. This poses the biggest problem for investment plans in the sector; there is just a very fine line or margin on returns in the sector. Therefore, lack of availability and reliability is a great challenge raising concerns worldwide. Countries like Africa, China, India, Australia, and the Middle East are well-positioned to harness solar energy (Azarpour et al., 2012). This is because they receive optimum sunshine almost all day. Nuclear energy is more sustainable energy for the future, but safety and radioactive waste management are the most challenging issues. Radioactive waste is so toxic and takes a lot of time to fully decay. However, countries like Germany intend to go to a nuclear-free world. Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies are also trending to be energy source solutions for the future.
Fossil fuels have been the main energy powering economies for over 150 years (Blaabjerg & Ionel, 2015). Today, it supplies about eighty percent of the energy around the globe, including coal, oil, and natural gas. Fossil fuels originate from the carbon remains of animals and plants due to decomposition, forming heat underground when compressed for thousands of years. When burnt, fossil fuels form energy that releases carbon and other greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. It has caused an excessive buildup of greenhouse gasses...
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