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Observations Of Programs That Work With And Teach The Learning Disabled Individual

Essay Instructions:

Make observations of programs that work with and teach the learning disabled individual.write 2 page report summary .

Observe how the special education teacher teach , how the special needs children learn , what are the programs used to teach special education teachers , what are the other programs that I think I can propose to add to improve the special education program etc...


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Programs That Work And Teach Disabled Individuals
Observations of programs that work with and teach the learning disabled individual
Disabilities among children impact on how they process and understand information, children might have difficulties listening, thinking, speaking, and doing complex calculations (Raymond, 2016). Everyone has a unique way of learning, including disabled children who learn by seeing or reading while others learn by listening or doing. Teachers working with children with disability should identify individual learning styles(Raymond, 2016).
In recent observation, I reviewed three different programs that focus on teaching children with disability. The first programs was an inclusive education program. For a long time, children with disability were educated separately, hence people viewed special education as separate education (Smith et al., 2015). Inclusive education has been introduced in various schools to promote positive academic and social outcomes(Smith et al., 2015).
Advocates of Inclusive education believe that every child should be treated equally and they deserve equal opportunities. Inclusive education is when children with the disability, whether mild or severe participate in everyday school activities like other children. Inclusive education aims at building friendship and giving children with disabilities the opportunity like other normal children (Smith et al., 2015).
The second programs are remedial instruction program meant to help learners improve their basic skills. Such extra support programs are meant to help children catch up with their peers hence, eliminating the need for referral to special education. Some parent request for extended school year services for their children whereby remedial instruction is part of the service. Remedial instruction programs help children with learning disabilities by building their skill and knowledge(Smith et al., 2015).
In most cases, students struggling in school are referred for support services known as Individualized Education Programs offered to children with learning disabilities, emotional disorder, cognitive challenge or those wi...
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