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Programs that Work and Teach Disabled Individuals

Essay Instructions:

Make observations of programs that work with and teach the learning disabled individual.write two page report summary

Observe how the special education teacher teach , how the special needs children learn , what are the programs used to teach special education teachers , what are the other programs that I think I can propose to add to improve the special education program etc.


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Programs That Work And Teach Disabled Individuals
Programs that work with and teach disabled individuals
Individuals with learning difficulties experience challenges in academic processes, especially in reading and math (Raymond, 2016). Learning difficulties occur when there is a gap between an individual intelligence and skill one needs to achieve within a specific age. Learning difficulties affect an individual's ability to not only read and calculate math but also speak, recall, organize information and reason (Raymond, 2016).
Many programs have been initiated to assist learners with disabilities to maximize their potential. In my observation, I came across several programs for those with learning disabilities. One of the new programs introduced recently is the Learning Together At Home Program; this is a home program supporting families and guide parents to help children learn and play (Snell & Brown, 2013). These programs are meant for children with severe disabilities whereby a field worker arranges a suitable time to visit the family at home. The worker carries toys, book and other equipment that can assist the child to learn (Snell & Brown, 2013). The program set goals for the child learning, assist the child to grow and learn through play, the program also links the child to other services for further support. The program is designed for families with children below four years (Snell & Brown, 2013).
The other program is Negotiated Education Plan (NEP) a program meant to assist an individual after undergoing assessment from the DECD and has been confirmed to have a certain disability like speech or language or vision disorder (Snell & Brown, 2013). The program is conducted in consultation with parents and the school. The children identified are separated from the normal classroom setting to be assisted by specialized teachers in a variety of areas like English or math or so...
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