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What is Anti-Bias Education?

Essay Instructions:

The journal entries will consist of reflections on the readings (“What is Anti-Bias Education?” in Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves (Chapter 1 pp.1-10)) while connecting the readings to your own experience, professional role as an educator, and self-reflective practices. Some questions that you will consider as you write your journals are:

• ● What is a fragment of the reading that resonated with you?

• ● What feelings arise with the reading?

• ● What are some connections that you have made as you were reading?

• ● How does this text reinforce or challenge my existing ideas or assumptions?

• ● How will you take care of yourself as you process these feelings and

topics?/What are some next steps for you?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Journal Entry #1: What is Anti-Bias Education?
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Journal Entry #1: What is Anti-Bias Education?
As an educator, one of my singular objectives is to facilitate smooth learning for all children by providing a safe and comfortable environment. I also endeavor to impart academic knowledge and skills that will enable children to develop socially and adapt to different situations. Having said that, I found chapter 1 (What is Anti-Bias Education?) of the book by Derman-Sparks and Edwards (2010) enriching and insightful. As intimated in the feature, I anchor my faith deeply in the overriding fact that all children are entitled to opportunities and resources that will enable them to ultimately achieve their full potential (Derman-Sparks & Edwards, 2010). The assertion that educators have the unique obligation to promote the chances of children to flourish in education and life resonated powerfully with me. Educators indeed play a significant role in influencing what children become in life. When we cultivate the notion that they are strong and capable, that is precisely what they believe and ultimately become. The contrary is true; if we downplay the efforts children make or dismiss them offhandedly, they become discouraged and withdrawn. Sometimes the messages of disapproval might emanate from their peers. In that case, the teacher has an obligation to take intervening measures geared towards countering hurtful effects that might accumulate in the victims.
When reading the chapter, I strongly felt that teachers' noble role in society should never be undermined. Sometimes, children have pent-up emotions arising from their experiences at home and in neighborhoods. In such situations, it is the moral duty of a teacher to invent mechanisms that will enable such children to vent their pent-up emotions without harming others or themselves. To do this effectively, we must learn to read and interpret the moods of the children under our...
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