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Week eleven reflection. Answer the question. Education Paper.

Essay Instructions:

Answer this question base on the styles which I give you:

How might ecology, outdoor learning, and forest and nature schooling inform your thinking and guide your practice with children and families?


Elliot, E., Ten Eycke, K., Chan, S., & Muller, U. (2014). Taking kindergartners outdoors: Documenting their explorations and assessing the impact on their ecological awareness. Children, Youth, and Environments, 24(2), 102-122.

Forest School Canada. (2014). Forest and nature school in Canada: A head, heart, hands approach to outdoor learning. Retrieved from http://www(dot)forestschoolcanada(dot)ca/wp-content/themes/wlf/images/FSC-Guide_web.pdf

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Week Eleven Reflection
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April 4, 2019
Traditional teaching methods involve a classroom setting with the teacher leading the discussion, between him and his students. While this was proven to be effective ever since the start of the ‘learning institution’, several techniques making the learning process much more effective and holistic has been developed through the years. One of these teaching methods involve the use of ecology, outdoor learning, and forest and nature schooling in order for children to have a holistic appreciation of the bigger world. In one study conducted by Elliot et al (2014), about “nature kindergartens”, they found out that one of the main benefits of forest school models is that it allows teacher to “share information and build on their common experience with the children”. In my own experience, the use of nature as a background for learning helps both students and teachers as they learn new things together. This is different as compared with the traditional learning method where most of the information flows from the teachers to the students.
Another importance of the use of this model is that it allows us to teach students with v...
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