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Week discussion

Essay Instructions:
Question 1 Ernie has difficulty swallowing, loss of taste sensation in the posterior one-third of the right half of his tongue, and decreased salivation, especially on the right side. Describe the sensory portion of the affected neuropathway in Ernie.(135 words) Question 2 If a vibrating tuning fork is placed against the mastoid process of the temporal bone, the vibrations are perceived as sound, even if the external auditory canal is plugged. Explain how this happens. (135 words)
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Discussion 1 Name: Institution: Date: Cranial nerves are part of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and the glossopharyngeal nerve affects the taste sensation in the posterior third of the tongue. The glossopharyngeal nerve is designated as Cranial Nerve IX, and it has SVE, GVE, GVA, SVA and GSA components (Siegel & Sapru, 2011). The nerve extends to both the pharynx and the tongue affecting the taste sensation through SVA fibers. The GVA fibers are typically found in the posterior third of the tongue. Similarly, the nerve affects swallowing as motor fibers affect how the pharynx functions during swallowing (Siegel & Sapru, 2011). The glossopharyngeal nerve also supplies the taste buds of the vallate papillae. Thus, in Ernie’s case there is impairment in the glossopharyngeal nerve s there is loss of taste, and at times this could extend to loss of sensation in the posterior third of the tongue. Vibrations travel to the inner ear through air conduct...
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