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Unit Plan: Lesson Preparation for Grade Eight Common Core Math

Essay Instructions:

A unit plan integrates multiple standards informing a mathematical concept and is taught in multiple lessons over several days. The large-scale planning process outlines activities that complement one another to ensure a successful learning experience for all students.

When planning units, educators must begin with the standards, learning targets/objectives, and summative assessment. Keeping the end learning goals in mind allows educators to plan the lessons to ensure students stay focused on what is important. Alignment between standards, learning objectives, instruction, and assessment provides a clear direction for both teachers and students. When students understand the goal of the lesson and all instruction, activities, and assessment are aligned, they are more likely to master the skill or concept.

For this assignment, use the “3-Day Unit Plan Template” to create a 3-day instructional unit plan and summative assessments designed for the students outlined in the “Class Profile” in the K-8 grade level of your choice. Use Colorado’s mathematics standards to select 1-3 math standards from one domain (number and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, or data analysis and probability) to represent and teach in the unit. Complete the following when designing your unit:

Clearly integrate instruction and assessments so that standards, learning targets/objectives, learning activities, and assessments are all aligned

Use a variety of teaching strategies and technologies that encourage the students’ development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills

Create opportunities for active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the elementary classroom using effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Section 1: Lesson Preparation
Teacher Candidate Name:
Grade Level: k-8
Unit/Subject: Common Core Math Grade 8
Title of Unit and Brief Summary:
1st lesson:
Topic: Number and operational
The number and operational topics help students understand irrational numbers and how to approximate them using rational numbers.
2nd lesson
Topic: Algebra
Students will be taught how to generate, represent, and analyze various expressions using tables, plots, and words in this topic. In addition, they will compare different forms of representing a relationship (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2022).
3rd lesson
Topic: Data Analysis and Probability
In this topic, learners will study different ways of formulating questions, method design, and data collection and analyzing the characteristics of one population in comparison to other populations
Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping
The significance of a classroom is to enable students in different classes to interact freely and learn from each other. Furthermore, interaction among students helps create a sense of belonging and promotes high self-esteem. In effect, the two factors create a conducive atmosphere that is effective for learning and development amongst students.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Learning Standards

At the end of this lesson, students will be expected to have understood the meaning and effects of arithmetic operations with fractions, decimals, and integers.

At the end of this lesson, students will be expected to have a conceptual understanding of the use of variables (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2022).

At the end of this final lesson, students will be expected to be able to find, measure center, spread, interquartile range, and interpret it.

Specific Learning

The objectives of the first lesson on this topic include enabling students to analyze algorithms for computing rational and irrational numbers, hence developing fluency in their use. Moreover, this will help them generate strategies that can estimate the results of rational numbers, thus enhancing logical judgment of results.

This lesson is expected to enlighten learners on how algebraic expressions can represent and solve a problem using linear relationships (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2018).

The final lesson will underscore data analysis and probability lesson. This aims to familiarize students with different methods of formulating research questions, collecting data, method design procedures, and presentation methods such as histograms and box graphs.

Academic Language

The first lesson on this topic will cover vocabularies during which students will encounter words like decimals, integers, fractions, irrational and rational numbers.

The second lesson on this topic will cover vocabularies during which students will encounter words like decimals, integers, fractions, irrational and rational numbers.

In the third and final lesson on this topic, students will be introduced to new vocabularies such as measuring tendency, interquartile range, mean, median, mode, and variance (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2018).

Unit Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology

The first lesson on measuring units will cover numbers and operations, including percentages, fractions, decimals, and whole numbers. In addition, students must have writing materials such as a pencil and a book.

During the second lesson, learners will be introduced to algebra which requires them only to have a book. The SDI unit is expressed in letters and numerical numbers (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2018).

Finally, in the third topic under data analysis and probability, students should have graph books, notebooks, and a geometrical set with rulers, rubbers, compass, and other relevant stationeries. The resources required in this unit can either be measured in time or any other preferred numeric.

Depth of Knowledge
Lesson Questions

At the end of this lesson, students should be able to answer the following questions: What are irrational numbers?
Simplify the following;
√ (16) * √ (4) = √ (32) =?
Explain the relationship between rational and irrational numbers?
How do you think rational numbers can be used in real life?

At the end of the second lesson, students should be able to answer the following questions: What are irrational numbers?
Define what algebra is?
Simplify the following, i.4x+6+(10x-7), ii.=5x-2+4x+7-11.
Name two types of problems that can be solved using algebra?
Use the above problem in question number three to create an equation?

At the end of the topic, students should be able to answer the following questions: What are irrational numbers?
Name two method designs used to analyze data?
Calculate the mean, media...
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