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TEFL Lesson Plan

Essay Instructions:
In this assignment, you will create a UNITED lesson plan to teach TEFL students one step of the UNITED protocol. You can pick the age/grade of students. All students in your class speak Mandarin but have different levels of English proficiency. Using the instructional delivery protocol Team Based Cycle of Instruction (TBCI), your lesson plan will address each TBCI step (SET-Up, Presentation, Learning Together, Just for Me, Assessment and WRAP-UP) and answer the five key questions aligned to the TBCI step. Develop a lesson plan based on the instructions and guidance provided in that module. In this lesson plan, you will teach one step in the UNITED process to EFL students. Be sure to use the UNITED Lesson Plan Template for this assignment, and make sure you review the UNITED Lesson Plan Rubric to see how this assignment will be assessed. Please note that the lesson plan template says you should develop a lesson plan for 5th grade students, but you are welcome to pick a different age/grade if you would like. Just be sure to list the specific age you picked on your lesson plan. For what is UNITED: The UNITED protocol was developed by organizing the elements identified in literature and research on High Performing Teams. As an acronym, UNITED represents specific actions in the protocol. U – understand interests, talents, commonalities, & learner characteristics N – name learning community standards I – identify six high-performance teaming principles T – target team goals & roles E – establish team identity D – determine logistics for working together
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Grade Level: 5 TBCI Step SET-UP Key Question Students will demonstrate an understanding of their peers' interests, talents, commonalities, and learner characteristics. Students' capacity to explain these facets of their classmates' identities clearly and comprehensively is one of the assessment criteria. Group Structure Students will be placed in diverse groups based on their English skill levels to provide a positive learning atmosphere (Lee et al., 2023). Each group will include three to four kids to ensure variety and promote peer interaction. Time Allotment Five minutes are set out for the SET-UP phase, which verifies that students comprehend the lesson's goal, goes over group responsibilities, and establishes expectations for cooperation. Pedagogy The trans-language tactics include using both English and Mandarin for instruction, consolidating knowledge through gestures and pictures, and having peers translate and explain to strengthen comprehension in all the students. Resources Needed For argument with a group, a chart paper and a whiteboard can provide a visual (Lee et al., 2023). At this stage, the teacher's facilitation will be accompanied by teacher supervision and language scaffolding for the students. TBCI Step Presentation Key Question For argument with a group, a chart paper, and a whiteboard can be used to provide a visual. The teacher's facilitation will accompany teacher supervision and language scaffolding for the students at this stage. Group Structure This step is for the continuation and building up of the existing knowledge and relationships of the students; the same small groups under the SET-Up phase have been continued. Pedagogy The translanguaging strategies will use bilingual literature and multimedia materials to enable peers to engage with each other for language support and clarification. Much of the explanation will be in simple English, and translations will be done in Mandarin. Time Allotment The presentation should not take longer than ten minutes to ensure that comprehension of the presented material is achieved, that interesting discussions are set in motion, and that a connection with the previously learned material is established. Resources Needed This stage will be a presentation phase similar to the SET-UP but complete with multimedia resources such as videos or digital presentations that will allow better understanding and increased involvement. TBCI Step Learning Together Key Question There will be some collaborative activities involving sessional activities to help the learners bring their knowledge together through group discussion, role-play, and debating to create knowledge. Group Structure Some of the same small groups that formed earlier are going to work together again—only this time, they will offer opportunities for mutual support and cooperative learning, including peer teaching. This will help understand and contribute to all-embracing participation (Lee et al., 2023). Pedagogy The aim will be to encourage students to ask questions, negotiate meani...
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