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Teaching Strategy Scenario

Essay Instructions:
scenario: Jamie (7), in first grade, is always in trouble. Who loses his temper and becomes confrontational when grownups put limitations. He also confronts male workers and challenges teachers in class, either by questioning or not participating. Jamie would get loud, pace around his desk, and often be ordered out of the room. Once in the hallway, he disrupts other classes and has trouble settling down. A specific teaching and learning experience showcasing a chosen strategy to demonstrate how you will differentiate for your chosen learner in your chosen context and key learning area. Evaluate your approach by identifying the benefits and limitations of your strategy in terms of inclusive classroom practices. Criteria: ➢ Responding: Pedagogical approach: o Knowledge and understanding of pedagogies for inclusive and ethical practices o Understanding of the diverse and complex backgrounds of students and their effect on student learning outcomes ➢ Alignment of Teaching Strategy o Application of theoretical knowledge to a practical scenario for inclusive teaching in a learning area ➢ Implications for teaching practice o Justification of professional decisions and recommended strategies regarding effective teaching for engagement, inclusivity and diversity o Evaluation of the potential benefits and challenges this strategy may pose for the student, their peers, the teacher and the classroom environment ➢ Clarity of communication and academic literacies ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Assignment support materials: - Teaching and learning strategies Author: Whitton, Diana author. -Urban Teachers’ Professed Classroom Management Strategies: Reflections of Culturally Responsive Teaching Author: Brown, Dave F. - Teaching tough kids Chapter Author: Le Messurier, M. Title: Teaching tough kids : simple and proven strategies for student success - Reflections on classroom thinking strategies : how to create your thinking classroom with 42 practical and engaging thinking tools (with Mr Majola's question) Author: Frangenheim, Eric, - Spectrum of Teaching Styles Retrospective 2012 Author: Goldberger, Michael ; Ashworth, Sara ; Byra, Mark Ps. Please include those sources as reference in the essay but also feel free to use others as long as they are related to the topic. Also USE or MENTION the Australian Curriculum on the essay. thank you
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Recommended Pedagogical Approach: Behavior Management Plan with Positive Reinforcement Name: Institutional affiliation: Course: Date: Introduction Educators in today's classrooms are confronted with the challenge of assisting students with behavioral issues while still keeping the learning atmosphere inclusive and positive (Whitton, 2015).  The appropriate way to control learners' destructive behavior and to achieve success is through behavior management with positive reinforcement. This pedagogical approach is based on teachers recognizing and praising appropriate behaviors, instead of focusing on negative behaviors. Applying positive reinforcement principles in the classroom setting allows an educator to build a nurturing environment where children like Jamie can receive appropriate academic, behavioral, and social growth. Behavioral Management Approach To implement behavior management with positive reinforcement for Jamie, a challenging first-grade student, it is critical to adjust the learning plan to match his abilities while considering the classroom setup and the particular educational topic. This educational technique can be applied to help Jamie grow and adapt his behavior by teaching him in different ways (Goldberger, Ashworth, & Byra, 2012). The first method would be establishing a behavioral plan and realizing that every child is different and would require an individualized behavioral plan. The plan would entail stating the expected behavior and setting goals and positive reinforcement strategies. A personal plan of action gives the teacher a chance to work together with Jamie, his parents, as well as other stakeholders so that they can establish desired behaviors and set realistic goals. Additionally, the personalized plan splits training into small and simple tasks encouraging Jamie thus allowing him to experience success and build confidence in class (Le Messurier, 2009).  For speedy reinforcement, the teacher can utilize visual supports as this helps Jamie have a behavior chart or checklist to record his progress and keep track of his expectations. Secondly, the use of positive reinforcements is also an effective strategy under the behavioral management approach. To achieve the desired outcome, a teacher needs to set up a reward system, which would motivate Jamie to take positive behaviors. At the same time discourage the unacceptable actions. Positively praising Jamie through verbal appreciation accompanied by the award or rewards whenever Jamie exhibits positive behaviors is necessary, for example following classroom rules, and participating in the class activities (Brown, 2004)....
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