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Action Research: analyzing data, presenting results and planning design

Essay Instructions:
In this assignment, you will collect the data necessary to complete the action research you began in Module 4. You will communicate the results and recommend possible future steps. Step 1. Conduct Conduct action research by collecting data from the teacher perception survey created in Module 4. Step 2. Modify Modify the methodology section of your Module 4 action research paper, so it reads in the past tense and reflects any adjustments to actual data collection procedures done. Step 3. Analyze Analyze the results of the survey data and focus on formative and criterion-referenced elements to guide curricular design improvements. Incorporate research on ethnographic interviewing when analyzing open-ended responses. Analyze how the results relate to the research questions. Step 4. Recommend Recommend and describe future action steps to improve the learning and teaching conditions for diverse students based on the action research data. Step 5. Report Report the action research outcomes by writing and organizing an APA-formatted paper of pages Title Page Introduction Action Research Purpose Problem Statement Literature Review Findings Methodology Describe the quantitative data you collected. Participants – demographic data, grade level, other information. Materials – technology tool, program, spreadsheet, etc. Collection – describe data collection steps. Data Collection Results –survey result narrative with at least one chart, table, or figure Recommendation Conclusion References CLIENT UPDATE+++++ This week you will create action research proposal focusing on evidence-based and multimodal instructional strategies. Focus on one diverse learner group to conduct your literature review (Scholarly research articles only). Use the following structure for Step 2 to ensure that your synthesis is thorough: 1. Purpose 2. Problem Statement 3. Literature Review 4. Methodology 5. Conclusion You will also design an online survey (google forms is recommended) to evaluate teacher perception on evidence-based and multimodal instructional strategies (review Step 3 prior to the creation process) and collect data from at least three educators The full paper should have the following structure: Title page Your Action Research Purpose Your Problem Statement Literature Review Findings (organized in the above format) Your Methodology Describe the quantitative data you will collect. Participants – demographic data, grade level, other information. Materials – technology tool, program, spreadsheet, etc. Collection – describe data collection steps. References Appendix – PDF of survey No Yes CLIENT UPDATE +++++ Survey 2, please use year 2023 as a 3rd evaluation survey Bui_Linh_APA_Evaluation_FA_23_-_signed.pdf https://www(dot)bing(dot)com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=3cpW6Oie&id=EAB48758CFC1CAC91893A451B3F20FED5A645139&thid=OIP.3cpW6Oie1tFFY5ewQDy9zwAAAA&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.template.net%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F04%2FTeacher-Survey-Form-Template-in-PDF.jpg&cdnurl=https%3A%2F%2Fth.bing.com%2Fth%2Fid%2FR.ddca56e8e89ed6d1456397b0403cbdcf%3Frik%3DOVFkWu0P8rNRpA%26pid%3DImgRaw%26r%3D0&exph=505&expw=390&q=Teacher+Survey+Template&form=IRPRST&ck=2450D5390383B92EC1C11433592C3D80&selectedindex=2&itb=0&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0&cit=ccid_RQR6qxGp*cp_0C790A1C4171D43B0EB5C52DF6CB91DC*mid_A2C5C6BFCEDB6467C9E025C0888B607FC3BC91C8*simid_608029449892932707*thid_OIP.RQR6qxGpW6GHUNsshuuepwHaJA&vt=2 https://images(dot)template(dot)net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Teacher-Survey-Form-Template-in-PDF.jpg
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Multimodal instructional Strategies and its impact on higher attainment and performance among diverse immigrant students Name: Institutional affiliation: Course: Date: Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc166447053 \h 2Action Research Purpose PAGEREF _Toc166447054 \h 2Problem Statement PAGEREF _Toc166447055 \h 3Literature Review Findings PAGEREF _Toc166447056 \h 3Methodology PAGEREF _Toc166447057 \h 4Describe the quantitative data you collected PAGEREF _Toc166447058 \h 4Participants PAGEREF _Toc166447059 \h 5Materials PAGEREF _Toc166447060 \h 6Data collection steps PAGEREF _Toc166447061 \h 6Data Collection Results PAGEREF _Toc166447062 \h 7Discussion and Recommendation PAGEREF _Toc166447063 \h 10Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc166447064 \h 11References PAGEREF _Toc166447065 \h 11Appendix PAGEREF _Toc166447066 \h 12 Introduction According to Baker & Hawn, (2022) thousands of underrepresented students face numerous learning challenges attributed to factors such as language, socioeconomic disparities, and cultural differences, and which influence their education behaviors and success. Bowman et al., (2018) reports that immigrant students' educational attainment and performance are lower than white students (Bowman et al., 2018). Consequently, educators have been encouraged to integrate teaching methods that promote holistic learning and quality attainment among multicultural learners. Over the past few years, educators are integrated and adopted various multimodal teaching methods in their lesson plans to foster quality education among diverse immigrant students (Bowman et al., 2018). These strategies include (CATLM) known in full as the cognitive-affective theory of learning with media; least restrictive environment initiatives (LSEI); control value theory of achievement emotion (CVTAE); technology-enabled simulation; and (CCSS) known in full as the common core state standards. Notably, these strategies enhance holistic multicultural learning among diverse immigrant groups. Action Research Purpose Culturally diverse learners are increasingly requiring adaptive learning experiences for holistic personal and professional development. One reason for this increasing demand is the overrepresentation of culturally diverse students in special education. Action research can help instructors address this problem and others through structured evidence evaluation and enhanced multimodal instructional design strategies. Instructors, instructional designers, and administrators, particularly those working in online environments, develop the necessary competencies to deliver culturally sensitive and culturally appropriate instruction through action research. As a starting point, action researchers are acknowledging that students can be unintentionally discriminated against simply because the teacher is unaware of cultural differences. Problem Statement Diverse immigrant groups, including Hispanic, Asian, and African immigrant students discussed in the previous module, usually face educational challenges that inhibit quality and efficient curricular performances and educational behaviors. These issues noted in the introductory paragraph include cultural differences, socioeconomic structural differences, and language interchange issues (Bowman et al., 2018). This creates a huge educational gap between white and diverse immigrant students, therein impacting these students' academic engagement, attainment, and performance. Literature Review Findings Ford (2015) argues that evaluators are generally encouraged to employ multimodal strategies such as using relatable pictures and coursework materials while teaching diverse students to enhance quality engagement and attainment among African, Hispanic, and Asian immigrant students. Moreover, to promote diverse learning, evaluators can engage immigrant students in educational activities that improve their cognitive and retention abilities and enhance learners' performance. These curricular approaches and activities are usually embedded in the CATLM learning method (Ford, 2015). As such, educators also employ the CVTAE teaching method to improve students' performances. This curricular teaching plan allows diverse learners to have positive emotions and behaviors in classrooms and during coursework projects. Consequently, this helps manage these students' anxiousness and stress while at learning institutions thus improving their academic success (Rawle et al., 2017). Also, applying the LREI multimodal teaching method in learning institutions allows teachers to cultivate equitable balance and instructional structures that address all students' needs. Furthermore, teachers use technological learning devices and simulations embedded in the TES multimodal approach to improve diverse learners' curricular behaviors, attainment, and performance (Rice Doran, 2015). This approach fosters a rigorous learning style among students whereby educators incorporate technological devices to enhance curricular activities. This increases students' classroom competency and skills (Rice Doran, 2015). Furthermore, through CCSS, educators ensure that learning objectives address students' needs and goals while aligning curricular learning with the set standards. Methodology The researcher will use a survey design to evaluate the significance of employing multimodal strategies during learning among African immigrant students in elementary learning institutions. The researchers will employ semi-structured survey questions to ensure that respondents provide qualitative feedback on the survey questions. Notably, each group constituted about fifteen participants, with each respondent taking about thirty minutes to respond to the questions and the interview. This will help collect relevant information for study analysis. Describe the quantitative data you collected The quantitative data collected from 7 teachers comprised of a structured survey instrument which was designed to gauge their perceptions and experiences with multimodal learning strategies. The questionnaire was constructed of ten questions, which inquired into various features of multimodal instruction and its roles in learners' development. Responses were scored using a five-point Lik...
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