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Gender inequality in education in Pakistan

Essay Instructions:
This is a group assignment. Identify a problem in a particular country. Use the steps in Bardach & Patashnik to analyze the problem, alternatives, and make evidence-based policy recommendations. Make sure to consider local context. Paper should be 12-15 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman font. Please use page numbers. My part is Step 2:Assemble Some Evidence, and 3: Construct Some Policy Options in Bardach: Eightfold Path to Policy Problem Solving. The PPT is attached below. Our topic is Gender inequality in education in Pakistan: Description of the Problem: In Pakistan, culture and tradition often lead to the neglect of female education. Girls may not enjoy the same educational opportunities as boys because of gender discrimination. Also, remember to describe some more of the problems that lead girls dropping out of school. NOTE: Only write Step 2 and 3 Use simple English!!!!
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Gender Inequality in Education among Women in Pakistan Student’s Name Institution Course # and Name Professor’s Name Submission Date Step 2: Assemble Some Evidence Gender inequality persists as a significant challenge in the education sector in Pakistan since access to quality education for women is limited. The culture and traditions in Pakistan prevent women from accessing education since it limits them from similar opportunities to boys. In formulating policies, it is essential to conduct in-depth research to shed light on the extent of the problem and strategize on the best solutions. Scholars researched to determine the rate of discrimination among women in Pakistan when accessing quality education. Research indicated that 71% agreed that women were discriminated against when it came to access to education (Rabia et al., 2019). Based on this research finding, it is evident that women are discriminated against in terms of accessing education. Boys are prioritized more than girls since they are considered more valuable than girls. Gender inequality in education translates to unequal opportunities in the workforce. Research by Nasir et al. (2020) argues that gender discrimination in educating women translates to barriers to employment. The uneven distribution of education leads to stigmas against women's employment. Based on the research, it is evident that gender discrimination in education limits the opportunities a woman accesses in life (Nassir et al., 2020)—the deprivation of equal education opportunities results in fewer sophisticated professionals in Pakistan. Girls are more likely to enter the workforce earlier because early school outs are higher than boys (Ahsan, 2022). Parents view educating girls as a waste of time, resulting in high dropouts. Research affirms that uneducated families perceive girls' education as a liability, while boys' education is seen as an investment (Rabia et al., 2019). From this finding, it is clear that misguided beliefs can prevent girls from accessing quality education. Cultural restrictions lead to high dropout rates for women in Pakistan, which undermines their quality of life. The disparities in educating the girl child can be linked to cultural practices such as childhood marriages. Research argues that girls are married off at a young age, which leads to a disruption in their education (Ahsan, 2022). Cultural practices limit a girl from accessing the needed level of education to ensure that she becomes professionally qualified in a given field. Misguided beliefs like marrying a girl early to protect her purity disrupted their education (Ahsan, 2022). Based on the research, it is evident that inhibiting belief can lead to high dro...
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