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Teacher Inquiries and Classroom Environment

Essay Instructions:

Part 1: Teacher Inquiries

After reviewing the “Class Profile, address the following in a 250-500 word response;

Describe questions you would have about your teaching assignment before it begins, including any requests for additional information.

Describe questions you would have for fellow teachers and administration.

Identify additional information you would like to have before the end of the first week of school.

Provide a rationale for each inquiry by citing both the “Class Profile” and a minimum of two additional scholarly resources in your responses.

Part 2: Classroom Environment

In 500-750 words compose a response for the following

Describe a minimum of three possible ways to structure the classroom setting to meet the needs of the students from the “Class Profile.”

Describe a minimum of two possible ways to structure a class period.

Describe a minimum of three instructional strategies and materials, including accommodations and/or assistive technology, that could be employed to meet the curricular content needs of your students in both the English language arts and math classes.

Describe two collaboration strategies to use when working with the classroom paraprofessional assisting you in meeting the needs of the students in the resource room setting.

Provide support for your responses by citing both the “Class Profile” and a minimum of two additional scholarly resources in your responses.

For this assignment, your answers are going to be based on he information in the class profile attached as well as your research

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Class Profile
Student Full Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Instructor Full Name
Date of Submission
Class Profile
Part 1: Teacher Inquiries
Questions About the Teaching Assignment Before It Begins
As a first-year special education teacher assigned to the resource room, there are several questions I would have before beginning the teaching assignment. The first question would seek to understand each student's needs and goals, particularly in English and Maths. Understanding the accommodations and modifications necessary to ensure each student can access the curriculum and progress toward their goals will also be essential. Other questions to consider are the teaching strategies and interventions that are most effective for students with various disabilities and needs and how to differentiate instruction to meet individual needs. Effectiveness in the role also requires aspects of collaboration between instructors and administrators. Therefore, the questions will be on collaborating with fellow teachers and administrators to ensure a coordinated and comprehensive approach to supporting students' academic and social-emotional needs.
Questions for Fellow Teachers and Administration
Regarding questions for fellow teachers and administration, I would want to know how students are selected for the resource room and their expectations for student progress and outcomes. I would also want to learn about existing systems or resources to support students with disabilities and how I can collaborate with other teachers and staff to provide coordinated and comprehensive support.
Identify Additional Information to Have Before the End of The First Week of School
To address these questions, I would seek additional information and resources. For example, I might consult the students' IEPs and other educational records to understand their needs and strengths better. I could also research evidence-based instructional strategies and practical interventions for students with disabilities or specific learning needs (Collins et al., 2020). Additionally, I could reach out to other teachers or exceptional education professionals with experience teaching similar populations to gather insights and advice.
Rationale for Each Inquiry
By the end of the first week of school, I want to gather additional information about how students respond to the support provided in the resource room. This might include gathering data on students' progress toward their goals, soliciting feedback from students and their families, and reflecting on my teaching practices and strategies (Collins et al., 2020). By gathering this information, I can adjust my teaching approach as needed and ensure that each student receives the support they need to succeed.
Part 2: Classroom EnvironmentWays to Structure the Classroom Setting to Meet the Needs of The Students
Flexible Seating Arrangements: I would implement a flexible seating arrangement in the classroom to help support the needs of students who have emotional or behavioral difficulties. This approach would allow students to select the seating that best suits their learning style and comfort level (Blanton et al., 2018). Additionally, it would provide a comfortable and safe space for students who may need to work individually or in small groups.
Personalized Learning Stations: In order to meet the diverse needs of my students, I would implement persona...
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