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Teacher Dispositions and Effective Communication and Collaboration Skills

Essay Instructions:

Teacher dispositions are the values, attitudes, commitments, and professional ethics that influence a teacher’s behaviors toward students, colleagues, families, and communities. Teacher dispositions may be less visible than knowledge and skills; however, they can be considered the most influential quality of highly effective educators. In addition to dispositions, a successful teacher must have effective communication and collaboration skills.

This 2-part assignment provides you with the opportunity to reflect on your own professional dispositions and determine effective communication and collaboration skills for educators.
Complete Parts 1 and 2 by following the provided instructions.

Part 1: Professional Dispositions Reflection

Review “Teacher Dispositions: What Kind of Candidates Do We Have in a Teacher Preparation Program, and How Can We Make Them Better?” from this week’s University Library activities.

Follow these instructions to access and review the following resources:

Access the Teacher Education Handbook.

Access the Table of Contents on the left side of the screen.

Select “Conceptual Framework,” and review that section.

Select “Supplemental & Professional Expectations,” and review the “Supplemental and Professional Standards” within that section.

Reflect on your own proficiency within the following areas:

Professional teacher dispositions

Communication skills

Collaboration skills
Write a 1-page reflection that addresses the following questions:

Which area do you feel most proficient in? Explain why.

Which area do you feel least proficient in? Explain why.

What will you do to address any deficiencies you feel you have?

What resources are available to help you grow, such as professional organizations, online tools, etc.?

Part 2: Communication and Collaboration Guide

Create a 2-page guide for beginning teachers that addresses professional communication and collaboration in education.

In your guide, include examples and detailed descriptions for each of the following in relation to teaching:

Written-communication strategies

Oral-communication strategies

Communication resources

School-based collaboration examples for:

Grade-level team

Child-study team

Professional-learning community

Individual collaborations (e.g., teacher and colleague; teacher and family; and teacher and student)

Collaboration strategies

Conflict-management strategies

Cite references to support your assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Study of Professional Dispositions and Skills
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Professor's Name
Part 1: Professional Dispositions Reflection
Prospective educators must reflect on their professional dispositions, communication, and collaboration skills. In the context of professional teacher dispositions, I am most proficient in showing a commitment to reflection and evaluation as an ongoing process. Educators should strongly be inclined to self-evaluate and seek feedback to enhance their teaching strategies. Such disposition supports my view of ongoing self-improvement, which is fundamental for effective teaching. Maintaining confidentiality and professionalism in all settings, particularly virtual ones, is vital (College of Education Central, n.d.). However, I feel less proficient in that area and acknowledge that I may have to be vigilant in online interactions. Teachers must consistently respect and maintain such standards with the education sector increasingly adopting technology.
Considering I portray deficiencies in ensuring confidentiality and professionalism online, I will further learn about privacy measures and online etiquette. Also, there is a need to seek insights from experienced teachers who have successfully traversed the issues related to virtual education. I will then take proactive measures in practicing and applying such principles in virtual interactions for improvement. Various available resources could contribute significantly to my growth in these areas. Professional organizations in the field of education that provide guidance and resources concerning effective teaching practices and professional development could be worth exploring for my growth. Also, online courses and tools focused on online communication etiquette and professional development can offer valuable insights. Moreover, I can participate in the university's workshops and discussions to improve my communication and collaboration skills and acquire insights from experienced educators. Such ongoing commitment to improving skills is vital for aspiring teachers. It contributes to their ability to positively affect student learning, which is central to the College of Education's mission (College of Education Central, n.d.).
Part 2: Communication and Collaboration Guide
A beginning teacher should have practical communication skills and excellent collaboration skills since they all affect a teacher's success in a classroom and the capability to impact student learning positively. This guide offers comprehensive practical methods and examples to improve teacher communication and collaboration while teaching.
Written Communication Strategies
Written communication strategies include emails, lesson plans, and documentation. When emailing administrators, parents, or colleagues, teachers should ensure their messages are professional, clear, and concise. The emails should address recipients respectfully and have proper formatting and subject lines. Lesson plans form another critical written communication tool for teachers. A teacher should clearly outline learning activities, objectives, and assessments, making it easy for colleagues or substitute teachers to comprehend lesson intentions. Keeping organized records of student behavior, progress, and parents is vital. Detailed documentation helps greatly in meetings with parents and support teams and serves as a reference. Written communication is vital to sharing thoughts and ideas, specifically in education (Pardede, 2020).
Oral Communication Strategies
Teachers can use various oral communica...
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