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Synthesizing Components of an Effective Literacy Lesson Plan for Diverse Learners

Essay Instructions:
it is due 4/27 not 4/24 With writing across the curriculum (WAC), writing activities are infused into all subject areas including those that do not traditionally teach writing: mathematics, social studies, science, humanities, health, and more. In this module’s application, you will build upon the lesson plan structure and researched diverse learning strategies of the previous modules to develop and write an effective student-centered lesson plan focused on literacy. This lesson plan will incorporate writing across the curriculum (WAC). Step 1. Synthesize Synthesize two or more research-based, thematic, interdisciplinary unit lesson plans for writing across the curriculum based on a selected subject relevant to your teaching situation. Step 2. Assess Assess the synthesized lesson plan and make necessary revisions to incorporate research-based learning strategies, ensure rigor, align to standards, and positively impact student achievement. Step 3. Reflect Attach the lesson plan as an appendix to an APA-formatted paper of at least 5 pages (not including the title and reference pages). The paper should reflect on the following: Identify strategies which will be most beneficial to each diverse learner group. How should instructors decide on whether to use fiction or non-fiction activities when incorporating writing across the curriculum (WAC)? While technology can support classroom writing, what disadvantages does it hold for literacy lessons? How can instructors balance technology advantages with disadvantages when writing across the curriculum? Step 4. Cite Cite supporting references in appropriate APA format.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Synthesizing Components of an Effective Literacy Lesson Plan for Diverse Learners Name Institutional Affiliation Course Date Synthesizing Components of an Effective Literacy Lesson Plan for Diverse Learners Introduction Interdisciplinary teaching and learning is one of the most recommended teaching strategies educators normally cultivate during diverse learning to foster quality attainment and classroom performance (ISCAP, 2016). Diverse learners usually have different learning patterns, education engagement behaviors, cognitive abilities, and interests, which educators should be aware of when designing lesson plans and strategies. This will help ensure the needs of diverse immigrant learners are well addressed, thereby promoting quality attainment and performance among these students. Indeed, educators can impart educational skills and knowledge through interdisciplinary unit learning approaches and plans. This lesson approach allows students to discover and explore different pedagogical learning mechanisms that enhance curricular attainment (Campbell & Filimon, 2018). Notably, applying this approach in STEM subjects' learning and writing curriculum allows learners to express their perceptions qualitatively through research and discussion, thus promoting quality education engagement. Interdisciplinary unit lesson plans Diverse cultural learning and quality attainment among multicultural students can be achieved through study approaches. In STEM subjects, it is worth highlighting that most diverse immigrant students score low due to various learning factors. Developing an interdisciplinary learning and writing curriculum plan can help educators address this issue and establish a holistic lesson plan that will help improve the performance of these diverse learners (DeFur & Runnells, 2014). One of the research-based units an educator can incorporate in their lesson plans to foster quality attainment in STEM subjects is exploring and evaluating the impacts of global warming and climate sustainability. Engaging students in this unit will help ensure all students contribute to quality coursework projects and promote quality class sessions and attainment. In order to facilitate quality exploration and discussion of this theme and unit, educators should outline the objectives of this unit in the lesson plan. Following various steps and guidelines, such as previewing the students the units and requirements of the unit, will help stir the cognitive aspects of learners before the class sessions (ISCAP, 2016). This will allow the students to share their opinions and experiences regarding the unit, thus promoting a comprehensive teaching and learning approach. It is important to note that climate and environmental preservation topics have impacted different communities globally, thereby becoming a significant topic of discussion in most learning institutions. With different individuals having varying perceptions on this issue, educators can employ an interdisciplinary learning approach to foster holistic learning and attainment of this science subject (DeFur & Runnells, 2014). This will allow all students from different demographical backgrounds to contribute to the unit and class projects, thus enhancing quality engagement. The educators can use different approaches to help students evaluate and synthesize this unit by providing students with video clips, and documentary shows about climate change and its impacts on people on the planet. Incorporating this interdisciplinary learning method will ensure all students are engaged in learning and evaluating the unit (ISCAP, 2016). Furthermore, this interdisciplinary teaching strategy will ensure educators focus on cognitive evaluation and planning among diverse learners, promoting quality classroom engagement. It is also important to note that this challenge will not inhibit diverse immigrant students who lack access to learning materials and resources (ISCAP, 2016). Indeed, this approach will ensure that diverse learners with such educational needs are considered, thus improving their performance in this subject. Further, integrating writing evaluation tests and activities in the lesson plan will also help grade students' attainment and understanding of this science subject. Conversely, educators should ensure that after watching the video and writing coursework lesson plan activities, all students participate in a written assessment activity during the learning sessions and as homework (Campbell & Filimon, 2018). By grading the students, educators will identify the areas that need more focus to foster holistic learning and attainment. This will also help diverse students improve their homework and class engagement behaviors to improve educational attainment ...
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