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Student Discipline and Due Process Analysis Essay

Essay Instructions:

Review the school board policy and student handbook of your local public school site or district for information regarding their policies on short- and long-term suspensions of students. You may also obtain this information by interviewing an administrator at your chosen site.

Based on the information that you gather, write a 500-750-word essay summarizing:

The due process requirements prior to a short-term and a long-term suspension of a student at your local site or district.

Are the due process procedures for a short-term and a long-term suspension of a student the same or different?

Are these requirements consistent with Goss v. Lopez? Support your position with examples from case law, the U.S. Constitution, or other readings.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

My School area is Baker County School Board. The discipline policy and guidelines is on the Website. Don't know if this helps.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student Discipline and Due Process
Name of Student
Institutional Affiliation
The main objective of public-school systems is the provision of quality education, social development, and encouraging academic success to students at all levels. However, as students pursue their education, they are always protected by various laws, regulations, and rules, which ensure that there is appropriate and free education to ensure their well-being in school (Petty, 2014). According to the 14th amendment of the law, it states that nobody can deprive any person of their life, liberty, or property without due process of law." This amendment has enhanced due process as a form of a constitutional right. Every child is entitled to a right to quality education. In cases when the child is exempted from the right to education because of disciplinary proceedings, including suspensions or expulsion, they are entitled to due process. Every student has the right to fairness, especially when it comes to discipline issues in the school environment as far as the 5th amendment of the constitution is concerned (Lombardi & Ludlow, 2004). The Baker county school board website cohesively explains the bill of rights that is entitled to veery students as well as the code of conduct that is not limited to parents, students, and educators. The website explains the procedures and the actions that are taken in every discipline and due process (Lombardi & Ludlow, 2004). This paper will provide a summary and analysis of the similarities and differences within the due process of the Baker County school board. 
Baker County School Board 
A district school is always independently run, and they are free to serve all students regardless of their special needs. The fact that they are independent makes them being accountable for the success ad achievements of the students. All the schools in the district are required to develop concentrated and robust policies and procedures. However, the policies and the procedures have to align with the procedures of the due process. 
The short-term suspensions of Baker Country Schools are characterized by a period of at most ten school days. The school officials have to inform the parents and the students through a written document or oral notice if both the parents and students are available within a period of 24 hours ("Baker County School District / Homepage", 2021). The notice or the written document has to have a clear explanation of the charges against the student. However, the student has the right to deny the charges that are initiated against him/her. In cases where the student denies the charges, the school officials have to provide robust evidence that is against the student. In this case, an informal hearing has to be performed before the student is granted a suspension notice. However, the hearing is limited to a situation where the student poses a threat, academic disruption, danger to the school co...
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