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Strategies to Help Students with Developmental Delay

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Description

Differentiating between a developmental delay and a learning preference is an important investigational skill early childhood teachers need to have in their tool belt. Professionally communicating this information to families is an integral part of the process. It can be difficult to communicate sensitive information with families, so it is best to be prepared prior to meeting.

For this assignment, imagine you are the teacher in a four-year-old preschool classroom, and you have three students whose behaviors concern you:

Billy is a four years and eight months old boy. He is the youngest of three at home and loves cars. You are noticing linguistically that Billy is still using one-word sentences. For example, when you asked him the other day which center he would like to go to, he responded enthusiastically “Block!” You probed for more information by asking why and he responded, “Fun!” You noticed these are typical responses for him.

Rasha is four years old and the youngest four-year-old in the class. She loves art and dancing. You wrote in your notes the other day that she goes to the art center every day and has not visited the outdoor center once. You also saw her trip on the playground when she was playing hopscotch.

Jordan is four years and six months old and he is capable of reading at an emergent reader level. You noticed that he does not like the block center and refuses to go to the paint center. During group work, he does not work well with the other students, sometimes yelling at them and refusing to share.

You are preparing for a meeting with the family of Billy, Rasha, or Jordan. Select one student and develop an action plan for the family in which you will discuss your observations and strategies that would help the student’s development.

For this assignment, compose a 500-750 word action plan that includes the following:

Identification of the specific academic or behavioral concern for Billy, Rasha, or Jordan.

Explanation if you think the academic or behavior concern is a delay in a milestone or a learning style preference, and justify your thought process. (Note: Teachers cannot diagnosis a disability.)

Description of two instructional strategies to support the child in the classroom.

Explanation of how you could collaborate with other professionals, including specialized experts, to support the student’s learning outcomes.

Description of two activities families can engage in with their child at home that would support the child’s development.

Description of how and when you will be communicating the student’s progress with the family.

Support your action plan with 2-3 scholarly references.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Evaluation of Developmental Milestones
Student Name
Instructor Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Due Date
Evaluation of Developmental Milestones Behavioral Concern for Billy Billy, a four-year-old kid, is exhibiting what one can prescribe as atypical behavior. Atypical behavior is rare and does not correspond to society’s expectations, as defined by the social conformity approaches (Hanson et al., 2017). Billy should manage to create phrases, rhyme, and communicate with family members or peers by four years. Unfortunately, he only forms one-word phrases and does not respond as a four-years and eight-month-old child should when questioned. The behavior is concerning since children at Billy’s age are in a capacity to communicate in full sentences and respond to questions asked correctly. Explanation Experts might regard a delay in early childhood development and cognitive growth as the behavioral issue in Billy. At four years old, children are typically curious. They can also converse seamlessly with their parents or guardians. Furthermore, the child’s language remains expanding at this period, and their reasoning process is growing (Chernyak, 2018). The young toddler can distinguish between various characteristics and has an emotional reaction to them. Chernyak (2018) adds that not only can a four-year-old kid readily and rationally answer basic questions, but they can also articulate sentiments and feelings. With their parents and friends, most youngsters this age are energetic and rowdy and love conversing, singing, and playing. Instructional Strategies As Billy’s teacher, I would devise a strategy to encourage him to improve his developmental language and speech, such as asking Billy basic animal or color-based questions to elicit more five or six-word sentence responses (Sutherland et al., 2010). I would also guide him on responding to queries to reduce his one-word phrase responses to a minimum when engaging him in the classroom (Sutherland et al., 2010). I would also teach him new terms and aid in clarification to improve his classroom communication abilities. The new terms would be linked to words that Billy likes to use and help...
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