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Cross-Curricular Lesson Plan Incorporating a Picture Walk

Essay Instructions:

Picture Book Walk Lesson Plan

Assessment Description

Special educators have the important task of creating and implementing lesson plans that effectively differentiate instruction, meet student needs, and are aligned to appropriate state standards. Planning effective language arts lessons includes accommodating all students, incorporating interesting materials, and meeting standards and student IEP objectives. It is essential to model pre-reading, during reading, and after reading metacognitive strategies and to incorporate cross-curricular content areas in reading and language arts lessons.

Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” create a cross-curricular lesson plan that incorporates a picture walk and is specific to the needs of students in the “Class Profile.” Select a K-3 grade level and align your lesson to the Arizona or other state academic content standards. Using an appropriate non-fiction picture book, incorporate the following into your lesson plan:

Pre-reading strategies and activities

During reading strategies and activities

Vocabulary development

Interactive differentiation activities

After reading activities and strategies

Written language and oral language activities

In addition, rationalize your instructional choices in a 250 word reflection, citing appropriateness for students detailed in the “Class Profile.” Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Section 1: Lesson Preparation
Teacher Candidate Name:

Grade Level:

First Grade


March 28, 2022



Instructional Plan Title:

Book/Picture Walk of a Story, “The Fox and The Grapes,” by Christopher E.

Lesson Summary and Focus:

Pupils will complete a book walk of the story before reading starts, where they will look at the pictures and use them to describe the characters and context and predict the happenings. After completing the book walk, they will discuss some vocabulary terms that dominate the story. At the end of the reading, they will add more details of what they learned from the story.

Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping:

My class has twelve students; three with learning disabilities, four with IEPs, two 504s, and three ELLs. Pupils will be grouped according to their abilities for all group activities, where the teacher will be vigilant to monitor the pupils in their independent assignments and assist accordingly. I will deploy visual presentations and speak slowly and clearly to reach students with ELL, while students with IEPs will be considered and handled by a Special Education teacher.

National/State Learning Standards:

LAFS.1.RL.1.1: Asking and answering questions about the critical details in a text.
LAFS.1.RL.1.2: Retelling the story while including the key points and demonstrating understanding of the primary lesson.
LAFS.1.RL.3.7: Using key details and illustrations to describe the characters, context, and the central storyline events.

Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives:

* Learners will be able to retell the main events of the storyline by providing details from the beginning, middle, and story end.
* Using illustrations, pupils will describe at least the details about the characters, context, and main events.

Academic Language

Vocabulary words:
* Fox
* Grapes
* Characters
* Context
* Events
* Illustrations.
The words will be reviewed in a PowerPoint activity. The terms and their definitions will be posted on the screen for students to see. The students will develop motions to help them remember the vocabulary. Review of slides will follow the motions; the students will be shown a word and make a move with the teacher's help. While reading the story, any other complex vocabulary will be discussed, and the setting clues will determine the meaning.

Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology:

* “The Foxes and the Grapes” by Christopher
* Vocabulary PowerPoint
* Story Retelling worksheets (12 copies)
* Pencils (12)
* Document Camera
* Projector
* Notebook (12)
* Braille machine

Section 2: Instructional Planning
Anticipatory Set
* I will review the lesson standards with a focus on R.L. 3.7
* I will inform the learners that they will do a book walk before reading the story. They will be shown pictures that they will use to describe the character and context and predict what is likely to happen.
* I will place the book under the document camera and project the cover on the board. I will show the students the book's cover page and read the title, “The Fox and the Grapes.”
* I will allow the students to tell each other what they think the story will be about.
* I will ask the students for any prior knowledge of a story with such characters.

Multiple Means of Representation
* I will use a graphic organizer to ensure that the students organize their work well and be ready for the writing activity.
* I will model one example on the whiteboard before allowing students to work on the graphic organizer with their shoulder partners.
* I will provide the students with a stem sheet that will contain blank spaces. They will write the answers on their worksheet.
Explain how you will differentiate materials for each of the following groups:
* English language learners (ELL): ): These students will be paired with others who are proficient in the English language
* Students with special needs: These pupils will have special attention, including preferential seating, paired with students at the grade level in reading, and have sessions with a special education teacher. These pupils will have special attention, including preferential seating, paired with students at the grade level in reading, and have sessions with special education teachers.
* Students with gifted abilities: I will let these students have several copi...
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