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Week 4 - Special Education: Program Development Reflection Paper

Essay Instructions:

Write a brief response to each of the following questions in an essay format by Sunday:

How are the Rights to Treatment cases and the Right to Education cases similar?

Under IDEA, what are the eight essential components of an IEP(Individualized Educational Plan for students with learning disabilities)?

Who are the members of the IEP team, and what are their roles in the education of a student with a disability?

Under IDEA, what is an IFSP?

Under IDEA, what is an ITP?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 4 - Special Education: Program Development Reflection
Student’s Name
How the Rights to Treatment cases and the Right to Education cases are similar
The Rights to Treatment cases and the Right to Education cases are similar since both of them are essential in the enhancement of human rights. In the Rights to Treatment cases, these mainly focus on whether the patient in a severe medical situation has access to treatment regardless of their ability to pay (Tarrow, 2014). Both public and private health institutions have a duty to administer medical care to a person experiencing emergency. If the hospital has emergency facilities, it is legally required to provide the necessary treatment to a disabled person or one with an emergency health care issue. As for the Right to Education cases, these are associated to the right for all people including those with disabilities to receive higher education on the basis of their ability and also enjoy the benefits of minimum education especially in public facilities in a meaningful manner (Tarrow, 2014).
The eight essential components of an IEP (Individualized Educational Plan
1. Current skill level of the student
All IEPs must have a clear definition of the current performance and skills of concern of the student. It should highlight the manner that the disability will affect their progress in the general education curriculum (Hoover, & Patton, 2017).
2. Yearly objectives for the student
The IEP must provide information concerning the goals of the child that must be updated annually. This information will specify what is expected of the child in the next educational ear including relevant functional skills and academic skills.
3. Progress tracking of the student
The IEP must provide a clear explanation of the manner that progress towards the educational goals will be assessed. This must describe how information will be reported to the caregivers.
4. Special education services provided for the child
The IEP must contain information on the student’s special education program designed to his or her specific needs.
5. Duration of services for the student
The IEP must have a projected timeline for the beginning and the conclu...
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