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Week 4 Special Education Discussion: LRE )Less restrictive Environment"

Essay Instructions:

View the "Less Restrictive Environment" video :

Research one of the case laws discussed in the video.

Respond to the following prompt : What is the significance of the case law you researched?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Week 4: Less Restrictive Environment Student’s Name Institution Date Rachel Holland vs. Sacramento Unified School District In this case whereby Rachel Holland was the plaintiff and the Sacramento Unified School District the defendant. Holland was mentally handicapped with an intelligence quotient of 44. Due to her impairment, her parents had requested the school to place Holland in a regular classroom for her kindergarten year. However, the district rejected their request and offered a placement that divided her educational time. Her parents then enrolled her in a regular-education classroom in a private school and performed even effectively. She also did not cause any disruptions and also did not require additional time with the teacher (Russo, 2013). The district court gave weight to the testimony provided by Holland’s private school teacher, who stated that Holland was making significant progress in her individualized-education plan objectives in her regular-education classroom. This ruling was a massive component in the development and enhancement of the least restrictive environment for students with disabilities This case is essential since it provides the main elements t...
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