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Sociology Of Education: How Social Institutions Impact Schooling?

Essay Instructions:

A brief reflection paper to articulate the student's learning in this study. Paper expectation is 2-3 pages.

This is a reflective paper about all the project you have completed for me ( about the sociology of education )

TEXTBOOK : School and Society: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives by Tozer, Violas and Senese

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Sociology of Education Name: Instructor: Institution: Date: From the beginning of civilization, human societies have held information exchange in high regard. Advancement in civilizations has mainly relied upon it, to not only pass knowledge, but also reinforce it upon an individual. Through the process, education became a norm; part and parcel of every society. From a personal perspective, I find education to have various definitions, based on which facet of life it shapes, in an individual. Understanding its definition plays a great role in ensuring that one is indeed in full knowledge and understanding of what is expected of him or her. Sociology of education is as broad as the term ‘education’ itself. According to Crossman (2017) it is a wide filed whose focus is essentially on how social institutions and policies impact schooling. I have often looked at it from the perspective of both theory and practical research, in understanding education as a social institution of its own too. In so doing, my interpretation of the field has been much deeper than the general definitions that often come with it. This internalization of the subject provides me with an inner conceptualization of how social elements operate like a cog; one having to perfectly fit into another for the entire system to keep running efficiently. Education is usually taken as a social activity due to the fact that it is done within a society by a group of people with more or less similar interests. Whether it is formal or informal, education comprises of having to bring together people from the society, for the purposes of sharing information (Morrish, 2017). This in itself, is a social event, as it involves transactions or interpersonal relationships involving the society, either as a whole, or a portion of it. I believe that understanding this sociological basis of education is crucial for anyone intending to try a hand...
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