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Early Childhood: Canada Must Invest More In Early Childhood Education

Essay Instructions:

Each student will collect 3 news articles found in 3 different Ontario news sources that are no older than January 1, 2018, covering any topic involving children and/or families.  Look for articles from a variety of perspectives (government policy, parents, employers and so on). Each article collected must be submitted with the assignment.  Articles can be hard copy or web-based copy. The assignment consists of four parts. Please pay close attention to the attached rubric for the grading criteria for this assignment.

Part A      

In your own words; summarize each article you collect in two to three paragraphs. Do not include any quotes from the article. Discuss who the reporter intends to be the audience of this article. Identify the reporter’s purpose (main goal) of the article.  Include your personal reflection about the articles…what is your thoughts about what the reporter is saying?

Part B      

Identify and briefly describe any existing Canadian legislation or emerging social policy regarding each news article that you collected.  Discuss any laws, Bills, or public awareness campaigns that relate to the news articles.  Remember to reference where you are getting this information from and include it in your bibliography.

Part C      

Identify an advocacy component that relates to each of the articles you collected. Based on each of the articles you found, identify one advocacy strategy for each article that you would feel most comfortable engaging in (based on the handout “Advocacy Strategies”) and explain why.

Part D       

This part is only done once.  Write a newspaper article on an ECE topic you are passionate about, that you would like to see as the headline of tomorrow’s newspaper,  keeping in mind you are advocating for something. Include two original (you create it) graphics (picture, chart etc.) related to your article. Do not include quotes or information from other sources.  This is to be created by you.  Remember to put a date and post your name on your article.  It should look like a newspaper article!  Sample templates will be available to you through the course information tab of the course site.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Early Childhood Name: Institution: Course: Date: Article #1 Canada must invest more in early childhood education, says new report Part A: Summary In a recent Canadian led report, the early childhood education report of 2017, points to the fact that the government is failing at ensuring that early childhood education is accessible for the masses compared to other developed countries. Canada was ranked last compared to other developed countries and much of these is not because there not programs already designed to enhance access but because the implementation process is rather slow. Since the year 2004, there have been some element of growth but they have not been sufficient to ensure nationwide access to quality education for the youngsters.it is important to recognize the importance of the early child education not just to the children but also to the nation in terms of future development and the quality of students that the country is likely to produce (McCuaig, 2018). World economies are dependent on one another and it calls to the government to make sure that tomorrow’s workforce is well educated and ready to take on the responsibilities. There are child care unites and school oriented programs. However, it is important to note that most of the child care programs are expensive for most families and as such they are not accessible for most of the children. However, the government should consider the use of the already existing school programs for the preschoolers. Using the already existing platform is much easier that having to streamline the child care facilities to conform to the universal standards. Purpose and perspective This is an article that is intended for the policy makers, school heads, and child care administrators among with the parents. The purpose of the article is to sensitize the relevant authorities especially the government officials in the education sector and even those in the education sector on the need to streamline the provision of early childhood education (McCuaig, 2018). Personal reflection and thoughts I personally feel that, there is need for a faster implementation of the programs that are already established in the sector. There some very significant programs and policies that should be implemented so as to see some improvement on the education access for the preschoolers. More importantly, the element of using the child care facilities is a complicated one. This is relative to the fact that most of these do not use the standard established by the universal community. As such, it is much easier to use the schools systems which are already established and much easier to streamline. These will also be much more effective in establishing the quality and access levels required. The child care facilities will take time to streamline and they also run the risk disfranchising the education systems for the preschoolers as each of the facilities uses their own approaches to teach the youngsters. Part B: The Law Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014, S.O. 2014, c. 11, Sched. 1 In-home services 3. The child care provided at the premises meets the following criteria: i. The child care is provided for a child at his or her home, or at another place where residential care is provided for the child. ii. There is an agreement between a home child care agency and the child care provider that provides for the agency’s oversight of the provision of care. iii. The home child care agency has been advised of all of the children at the premises. iv. Financial assistance is provided under this Act for the child care. v. The child care meets any other criteria prescribed by the regulations. About the law This is a law that requires all the home child care facilities to be regulated and that all there facilities oblige with the regulations set out to enhance the quality of care for the children under their care. Part C: Advocacy Strategy I would use the advocacy strategy to reach out to the legislators. I strongly feel that there is need for better control of the child care sector which offers their services for profit. It is very easy for the facilities to disfranchise the education sector especially for the early children learners where there are not standards followed to regulate them (McCuaig, 2018). However, the main focus should be integrating the early childhood education in the existing schools which is a better regulated platform. Article #2 Canada’s Early Childhood Education and Care Policy: Still a Laggard? Part A: summary In this journal article Rianne Mahon, ring to light the fact that the Canadian policies have been suffering under the laggard approach. This is relative to the fact that most of the policies in this sector have taken too long to be implemented. This has affected the quality of the early childhood education and the element of access to thousands of families across Canada. The article cites one of the elements that has plagued the Canadian education system for quite some time; it fairs poorly against most of the international standards and even where compared to other developed nations. Much of this can be attributed to the liberal approach of the social policies and the federal structure of the Canadian state (Mahon, 2018). The federal government for the longest time had been approaching the issue with residential character to it, where they were targeting the low income families and the rest would be left to purchase the services in the market that they could afford and wanted. The element on the fact that much of the jurisdiction was left to the provinces as well as the territories. As such the liberal approach means that there is a lot of interference in a field that should be better controlled. While there are some changes that can be identified in some of the provinces over the last few years, the country is still fairly far from equally progressive on this front. This is especially the case when it comes to the creation of an effective Pan-Canadian ECEC framework that help boost the level of quality and care in the early childhood education sector (Mahon, 2018). Purpose and perspective This is an article that is directed at the legislators, parents and the officials in the education sector. It serves the purpose of sensitizing the stakeholders in the education sector to make sure that there is a consensus on the way forward. For the longest time Canada has been struggling with implementing quality policies and there is need for a more direct approach (Mahon, 2018). Personal thoughts and reflection The field of early childhood education forms the basis for the rest of the education system. The way that the children are brought up and introduced to the education system defines how they get integrated into the system with quality education outcomes. There is need for a more direct approach other than the liberal aspect that only works to benefit those in the private sector providing child care (Mahon, 2018). Part B: The law Unlicensed child care, five children or less 2. The child care provided at the premises meets the following criteria: i. The child care is provided for no more than five children at any one time or, if a lesser number is prescribed by the regulations, no more than the prescribed number of children at any one time. ii. There is no agreement between a home child care agency and the child care provider that provides for the agency’s oversight of the provision of care. iii. The group of children does not include more than two children who are younger than two years old. About the Law This is a law that defines what a premises that are unlicensed. It is crucial to note that the law mentions the number of children that are required as a minimum. At the same the time law is very clear on the agreement between the child care providers and the child care agency. There should be an agreement between these two bodies to ensure that there a streamlined approach to care and education for the youngsters. Part C: Advocacy strategy I would use the chance to get the legislators such as the MPs to pass a motion that requires a more stringent approach to the way ea...
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