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Week 2-Socioeconomic status in the classroom Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

Reflect on the impact of socioeconomic status (SES) on you and your students or the students in your neighborhood school. (*** I teach in an inner city school with the majority of students being hispanic , somali and african american. Im caucasian. the surrounding of the school has gangs and poverty. There is an obvious difference between my race and my students and i grew up in a middle class neighborhood.)

Write a 3- to 4-page response to the following:

Is your socioeconomic status similar to or different from the students’?

In what ways is it similar or different?

How do differences between your SES background and your students’ SES background hinder your teaching?

How do you ensure that your perceptions and assumptions do not impede student learning?

Does the difference affect the way you teach your students? If so, how?

If someone were to visit your classroom or neighborhood school without knowing anything about the school, would the visitor be able to easily identify your students’ SES? Yours?

Take a “Learning Walk” in your school from the perspective of a student’s parent prior to responding to the following:

How does your school setting, the interactions between and among staff members and students, the classroom, and teaching materials reflect the backgrounds of your students and honor their real-life experiences?

Based on the information in the chapter you selected from the text (Blankstein, Noguera, & Kelly, 2016), Overcoming the Silence of Generational Poverty (Beegle, 2003): http://www(dot)combarriers(dot)com/sites/default/files/promo/Overcoming%20the%20Silence%20Article.pdf

and 474: Back to School (This American Life, 2012): https://www(dot)thisamericanlife(dot)org/474/back-to-school

compare and contrast the contribution of these resources to your understanding of poverty by answering the following:

Does the discussion of non-cognitive skills change your perception of children who come from backgrounds of poverty?

How could you include non-cognitive skills in your daily classroom teaching and lessons?

Note: If you are not currently teaching or you do not identify a difference in socioeconomic standing between yourself and the students at your school, you may either opt to reflect on the materials that were available to you as a student or to complete an Internet search for resources you feel would be excellent additions to a particular age/content area classroom.

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Socioeconomic Status in the Classroom
Socioeconomic Status in the Classroom
Is your socioeconomic status similar to or different from the students?
In what ways is it similar or different?
First of all, I am Caucasian, and I teach in an inner-city school. The school is mainly made up of students of the Hispanic, Somali, and African American race. A majority of the students come from poverty-stricken families, and I grew up in a middle-class neighborhood. Access to the necessities of life was not a problem something which a majority of my students, unfortunately, cannot say to be the case for them.
How do differences between your SES background and your students’ SES background hinder your teaching?
I do not believe that the differences between my SES background and my students’ SES background hinder my teaching. However, I would say that the attitudes some of my students have towards me and the kind of life I live could hinder my teaching. For example, as we have certain sessions and as I try to give my perception of things, some students feel and believe that I do not understand some things. For example, when I start talking about life in the school’s neighborhood, some students try to argue or have different opinions on what I have. Many attribute my lack of knowledge about the school’s neighborhood to my SES background.
How do you ensure that your perceptions and assumptions do not impede student learning?
One thing I believe to be crucial for a teacher is understanding or being aware of who they are. If a teacher is aware of who they are, then their perceptions and assumptions cannot impede student learning. Therefore, for me, that is where I started. I had to be aware of my identity and understand my position when it came to certain topics and discussions.
Aside from being self-aware, I had to keep and maintain an open mind. Coming to class filled with stereotypes about the students never seems to end well. Therefore, for me, I decided to keep an open mind and listen to what the students have to say and finally make remarks or inferences based on what the students say.
However, I always discuss my assumptions and perceptions with my students. By doing this, I encourage corrections and criticism from the students who have their version or perception of things as well. My idea finds its strength in the notion that I wish to learn from them just as much as they expect to learn from me.
Does the difference affect the way you teach your students? If so, how?
Yes, it does.
In an ideal class setup, students sit and listen to what the teacher has to say. While there are times when teachers welcome the students’ comments and arguments, the teachers always have the final say and know what the answer is.
However, in my case, I make it clear that at times I do not have the appropriate answers. From the start, students know that they will need to engage with each other and me to get to the right answer. On these occasions, I try my best to make and steer the conve...
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