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Week 3- 3 separate assignments Education Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

This order has 3 parts- identify each by its title:

1) "Video Reflection": 2-3 paragraphs

Based on the information in one of the video clips (https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/mellody_hobson_color_blind_or_color_brave?language=en#t-195047



in this week’s required studies and your real-life experiences, write a reflection that addresses the following or other ideas the video caused you to consider:

What assumptions do you make about others?

Why are differences sometimes threatening?

What do you know for sure?

What do you not know?

What prevents someone from being compassionate?

What is the relationship between money and power?

How do you know or identify privilege?

What assumptions do you make about people from different races, ethnicities, and cultures?

How does this look in a classroom?

How does it impact learning?

How does it impact your image as a role model for the students you teach?

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

2)"Culture, Ethnicity and Race": 2-3 paragraphs

After reading the Week 3 chapters from Excellence Through Equity (Blankstein, Noguera, & Kelly, 2016), consider your classroom student demographics( *My students are 70% hispanic -mostly first generation immigrants,10% black and 10% others(somali etc), all live in inner city San Diego, California close to poverty level, gang related activities and drug related incidents happen) . Envision your students as they interact with you and their classmates in your class.

Reflect upon how their social identities (culture, ethnicity, and race) impact them, you, your students, and your school.

What assumptions are made about people from different races, ethnicities, and cultures? Most importantly, how do those stereotypes leading to judgmental assumptions, impact the mindset of your students?

Reflect on the following as you write your paragraphs:

How can you, as a role model for your students demonstrate a respect for equity and equality reflected in the diversity of your students?

How can you, through your classroom facilitation, prompt your students to better understand the meaning and value of equity and equality?

What measures can be taken by you, through course content and learning activities, that promote a respect and regard for the diverse culture, ethnicity, and race of others?

Pose your own answer to Sichel and Bacon’s (2015) question, “Why is there a dichotomy—where some students achieve and some students do not?” (p. 207).

Why is it important to develop equity in your classroom? How will this perspective affect what you teach, and how will you teach it?

Your response should include a minimum of two sources from your text.

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

3) "Advocacy Action Plan Part 1": 2- 3 pages

In Week 5, you will submit a five-part advocacy plan to ensure your community of learners is fully supported and engaged in learning opportunities that meet their diverse, individual needs.

For today’s assignment, you will submit the introduction and Part 1 of your plan. (I will attach the guidelines for the entire plan as i will submit the other parts in other orders).

Introduction: Setting the Stage

Set the stage by introducing your advocacy plan components with your classroom/teaching/professional context. This will include information on your learners’ backgrounds (e.g., race, culture, SES, language, special learning needs) as well as your geographic location. Also address any particularly “hot button” issues or current events in your local community that have the potential to inform your students’ classroom experiences (e.g., you live in an area where police/community relations are strained).

Part 1. The Educator’s Impact

Section One: This section is comprised of your personal reflection on your life experiences that inform and impact your background that you bring with you to the classroom/educational setting. These topics will vary depending on who you are and where you live, but may include things like your race, your childhood experiences in school, your geographic location as a child or adult, your family’s history with schooling, and so on. Be sure to consider how these issues do or could impact your teaching/educational leadership and make these connections explicit for the reader.

Section Two: Reflect on your own strengths and challenges as an educator committed to equality in the learning environment. What areas do you still need or want to learn more about to improve your practice with students/learners? Identify at least two resources or experiences that you need to have/use to address these gaps. Present a short rationale for your choices and your action plan to engage in that work.

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 3 Assignments
Student Name:
Course Title:
Video Reflection
The assumptions that I often make about other people are that people of certain racial or ethnic group have superior levels of athletic and academic ability than others. Sometimes I also assume that certain people have a particular work ethic and personality type. These assumptions are typically founded on stereotypes and past experiences. Differences are sometimes threatening because of the negative stereotypes and beliefs that we hold regarding people that are different from us (Blankstein, Noguera & Kelly, 2016). Also, differences can be threatening when they are used as the basis for discriminating against other people, for instance, when a White educator discriminates against Arabic students because of their ethnicity and religion.
What I know for sure is that while we all are not and cannot be the same regarding culture, race, ethnicity, religion or any other defining characteristic, we should be tolerant towards those that are different from us. Students and teachers should respect others who are of a different race, ethnicity or cultural background (Blankstein, Noguera & Kelly, 2016). However, what I do not know is the measures that can be taken to prevent negative stereotyping in schools. What prevents someone from being compassionate to others is usually a past negative experience with such people. Lack of tolerance and acceptance of other people and unconstructive stereotypes may also prevent someone from being compassionate to others (Sichel & Bacon, 2015). There is an important relationship between power and money. The more money a person has, the more powerful he becomes and vice versa. Wealthy people have more influence and are respected a lot more than their less fortunate counterparts. I can identify or know privilege by the socioeconomic class of a person. Privileged people have more money, more advantages, and more opportunities than others.
The assumptions that I often make about individuals from different cultures, ethnicities, and races are that people of certain ethnicities are generally underprivileged or more privileged than others, and students of certain races and cultural backgrounds perform better than those of the other races. This is manifested in my classroom when I consider white students as more privileged and those of ethnic minority groups as being less privileged. I also view certain students as superior academically than others. The assumptions impact learning in that I tend to focus my attention more on the students that I deem as being less privileged than the others hence neglecting some of the students. My assumptions about people from different cultures, ethnicities, and races impact my image as a role model for my students in that it somehow tarnishes my image, especially when the assumptions are unconstructive. Educators, in general, should strive to be positive role models to their students and shun negative stereotypical assumptions (Blankstein, Noguera & Kelly, 2016).
Culture, Ethnicity, and Race
Regarding the demographics of my classroom students, they are 70% Hispanic, 10% are White, 10% Black, and 10% are Asian Americans, Native Americans, and other minor races. All my students live in inner-city San Diego, California, where drug-related incidents and gang-related activities commonly happen. Most of them come from low class, low-income families. As a role model for my students, I can demonstrate respect for equity and equality reflected in the diversity of my students by giving all learners the same opportunity and striving to provide every one of them with what they need to be successful. Every learner needs to get a first-class education (Sichel & Bacon, 2015).
Through my classroom facilitation, I can prompt my students to better understand the value and meaning of equality and equity by using various learning activities and relevant examples that they can easily understand. Through learning activities and course content, there are some measures that I can take that promote regard and respect for the different race, ethnicity, and culture of others. These measures include the following: firstly, I develop learning activities that respect all cultures, races, and ethnicities. This will ensure that no student feels offended by the learning activities (Blankstein, Noguera & Kelly, 2016). Secondly, when designing classroom instruction and course content, I take into consideration the race, ethnicity, and cultural backgrounds of all the learners.
Sichel and Bacon (2015) asked why a dichotomy exists; that is, why some learners perform well academically whereas others do not. My answer to this question is that some students have learning disabilities and some come from poor families, both of which may affect the academic performance of a student. Developing equity in my classroom is important because this will help to fight inequity in the society in general. It will also help to nurture the value of equity in the students and allow them to grow up to become citizens who practice equity and fairness in all aspects of their lives (Sichel & Bacon, 2015). This perspective would ...
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