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Research and Social Justice Awareness Project

Essay Instructions:

PLEASE YOU DOING PART ONE ONLY. THIS IS THE TOPIC (Homelessness) YOU WILL WATCH HOME SAFE: TORONTO A DOCUMENTARY 2009 AND WRITE ABOUT IT. SUPPORT IT WITH 3 OTHER SOURCES TOTAL 4, BUT ONE HAS TO BE THE DOCUMENTARY HAME SAFE. ANWSER THE 5 QUESTIONS AND PLEASE BE SPCIFIC QUESTION 5. IT'S ABOUT I WILL DO NEXT PART. THIS IS PART ONE. PART 1: Instructions for Research Paper- 20% Students will select one topic of interest from the attached list. The choice of topic must be identified including your partner’ name by Week 2 of the course and approved by the Professor. Each topic can be chosen by a maximum of 1 group. (Students may choose a topic of interest that is not on the list, but this must be approved by the Professor by Week 2). Once topics of interest have been determined there will be no changes. Students will then work in pairs to answer the 5 research questions listed below on the topic. Students should conduct their own individual research on the topic and then combine their work with their partner to create one research paper. The following questions must be answered in the research paper: 1. What are some of the key issues (2-3) of the topic itself as it relates to social justice and those of the identified group discussed in the research? (Use only research that reflects Canadian data and that which is specific to the GTA population not the international world.) 2. How do individuals who are affected experience bias, prejudice, discrimination, stigma etc.? What stereotypes continue to be believed by others regarding these individuals etc.? Be specific. 3. What local agencies (in the GTA) are working on these issues? (Ensure you identify at least one). What goals, strategies, suggestions, and ideas do these local groups recommend for social change (to support those who are experiencing discrimination, bias etc.)? 4. What role does the Canadian Federal or Ontario Provincial or Municipal (Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga etc.) Government play as it relates to funding and/or supporting the issue? Identify at least two different levels here. 5. What activity are you and your partner going to engage in to support or raise your personal awareness of this issue? Be very specific. You must include specific details of the activity (e.g. name of potential organization you will visit in the GTA, or title, source, length of film that will be viewed, or title, date and author of book selected to read). Please note response for #5 must be clearly identified in your Research report and approved by the Professor (when report is returned) prior to contacting the agency, which requires a permission form being completed before the actual visit or reading identified book or viewing specified film. 3. The Research paper should include the following: a. Cover page with identified issue, student names, date, group section, etc. b. Answers to all of the required questions based on research findings in essay format c. Direct Social Activity you and your partner will be participating in to raise awareness (must be specific) d. Reference list (using APA format) 4. All reports must use embedded text citations and references in response to the questions. 5. A minimum of 4 different sources of research (as listed below) must be used in the preparation of the report: e. Journal articles f. Reports authored by Canadian organizations g. Sources on Web blinks on Blackboard h. Recognized Canadian agency or organization that deals with identified issue Wikipedia or commercial websites (e.g. there are ads on the site) will NOT be accepted as recognized sources of research The grade received for the Research Report will be a shared grade between partners. Students may not change their topic or Social Justice Awareness activity after receiving approval from the Professor. Approval is provided when report is returned. If action needs to be reassessed it must be completed and approved in person within one week of Research paper being returned. This cannot be done over email. Please tell the writer to be more specific when answering the five questions, specailly question 5. The easy the better, that's what the teacher said to me today when she was giving me feeback about the priviouse socail justice assignmnet, which i have fialed. she also said, don't use strong vocabulary words when you are doing any assignments work, just be specific as much as you can. She all also said use i, when doing assignments.


Social Justice-Nurturing Communities- ECE 022 Research and Social Justice Awareness Project 50% of final grade (three components)

Research Paper-20% Social Awareness Activity & Paper(s) - 25% Poster - 5%

Due: See Course Content for specific due dates as each component is submitted separately.


The purpose of the assignment is to research and engage in a social justice awareness activity that informs or raises personal knowledge of an issue that relates to a marginalized group in the local community. The assignment is to be completed in pairs (two students).

Please note all components must be completed in order to meet the full assignment requirements. Failure to complete Part 1 as outlined in the assignment description and meet all of its requirements will result in students not being eligible for Part 2 and Part 3 and therefore a final grade of zero will be earned for this assignment as all components are integral to the assignment and are not stand alone. Posters are required and failure to provide one results in a mark of zero for the Gallery Poster session.


This assignment has 4 parts to it.

1.    Students will research an issue that relates to one of the marginalized groups (as listed on the last page) and prepare a 4 page written report using their research. -20%

2.    Students will participate in a social justice awareness activity (outside of class time on their own time) directly related to the marginalized group that has been researched in Part 1.

3.    Students will write a detailed description (2-3 pages) of the social justice activity they completed. This may include visiting a relevant local organization, or watching a film or reading a book. 20% and an individual (2 page) reflective paper on the experience to accompany it. - individual reflection 5%

4.    Students will present their topic in a Gallery Walk Poster session in class-5%

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Research and Social Justice Awareness Project: An Evaluation of Homelessness in Canada
Research and Social Justice Awareness Project: An Evaluation of Homelessness in Canada
Maxwell (2006) describes social justice as the provision of humane care as well as social support to members of a society who are disadvantaged in one way or another. The general idea guiding Social Justice revolves around aspects of human rights concerning access to resources and circumstances that facilitate group or individual empowerment for purposes of facilitating the development of their potential. All people deserve to enjoy stable social environments as they engage in personal and or professional activities. They have the right not to be hindered from achieving their capacity and potential for leading their lives with respect and dignity. Even so, this calls for a level of planned public development that is mostly a function of the government. In general, social systems ought to eradicate elements of disparity, exploitation and suppression, and in turn guarantee protection to disadvantaged groups. This paper focuses on the disadvantaged group of the homeless who are usually severely poverty stricken members of the society. This subject matter qualifies as an issue of social justice since it involves aspects of equitable distribution of resources within the setting of a society.
1 Key Social Justice issues of Homelessness
Homeless people represent a significant portion of socially disadvantaged persons in a society; they are mostly mere beneficiaries of the social planning processes involving need-based community programs or projects. The government, private sector and other social support groups normally orchestrate these and they involve initiatives like home shelters and food banks. Input in such programs is a first step in trying to resolve the worrying impacts of homelessness in Canada as well as other developed countries. However, the potential for development, supervision and review of these programs is yet to be tapped, as many more people I Canada remain trapped in the unfortunate situation of homelessness to date. According to Weitz (2013), the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) still contains over 4,000 homeless people living off its streets and disease-ridden overcrowded shelters within the city's metropolis. The figure of the risk-faced under-housed families on the ‘social housing' Toronto waiting list is strikingly high at 80,000-90,000 over the past five years. For the Whole Ontario region, more than 150,000 people use the option of ‘food banks' and over one million residents of the GTA live in poverty.
Simultaneously, long-established programs that could protect a good number of the currently homeless like Employment Insurance, remains impossible options for the affected people since they come with harsh eligibility requirements. In the GTA as well as Ottawa, less than 25% of the working people are eligible for Employment Insurance (EI) provisions in case they lost their jobs. Another major concern on affecting the issue of homelessness in Canada involves Social housing. This project has since been removed from the government docket and left under the control of private developers. These investors in turn take advantage of the economic short handedness of the people for their own economic gains. Non-profit organizations have strived to fill the gap created they too are constrained by predominant economic conditions and capital requirements. (Maxwell 2006). The Haper government failed to secure initiatives of ‘National housing' and ‘anti-poverty' mechanisms, which would have had positive impacts of many homeless people (Weitz, 2013).
In addition, difficulty in obtaining affordable housing has been influenced by increased influx to the population of the GTA. With over 80% of nationals residing in urban centers, increased pressure on housing needs has remained evident. A huge number of immigrants has also been recorded, with the Statistics Canada projections indicating that over 50% of GTA population is likely to be racially visible by the year 2017 (Maxwell, 2006)
2 How Homeless People experience bias, ...
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