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Traits of Leaders or Authority / Power / Influence

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 1: Traits of Leaders or Authority / Power / Influence Due Week 3 and worth 200 points For this assignment, select one (1) of the following topics that expand on traits of leadership: „FƒnSituational Leadership in an Evolving Workplace „FƒnSupervisor versus Boss or Leader versus Manager „FƒnKey Differences Among Successful Introverted and Extroverted Leaders „FƒnKey Distinctions Among Successful Transactional and Transformational Leaders OR one (1) of the following topics that expand on authority, power, or influence: „FƒnThe Benefits and Drawbacks of Reverse Brainstorming „FƒnGoing from Team Member to Team Manager „FƒnKey Differences in Situational Leadership with Team Members at Varying Skill Levels „FƒnThe Leader¡¦s Main Job Is to Ask the Right Questions „FƒnPrinciple-Centered Leadership Cannot Be Learned or Taught „FƒnServant Leadership Cannot Be Learned or Taught Use the following appropriate EBSCOhost Web databases to research your chosen topic: Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, Education Source, Research Starters ¡V Business, Research Starters ¡V Education, and / or ERIC. Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you: 1. Provide an explanation and overview of your selected topic. 2. Examine the three (3) trends reflected the most in current research findings and prevailing attitudes about your topic. 3. Compare and contrast the strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages inherent in your subject of choice. 4. Predict the future direction of the research and thought on your topic. Include your own informed opinion of what is next for the topic you have explored. 5. Include at least three (3) references (no more than five [5] years old) from material outside the textbook. Note: You may be more specific about your topic without clearing these kinds of related, more narrowly focused topics with the professor. If in doubt, call or email the professor, or use the ¡§Ask the Professor¡¨ section in the Student Center. You may choose a related topic not listed above if you clear it with the professor at least a week before the due date. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: „FƒnBe typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. „FƒnInclude a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student¡¦s name, the professor¡¦s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: EDU 530 ¡V Assignments and Rubrics „FƒnAnalyze concepts and techniques of leadership within the context of various educational and training environments. „FƒnApply theories of and best practices in leadership, decision making, communications, organizational culture, motivation, management, performance appraisal, and evaluation to various educational environments. „FƒnAnalyze theories of and best practices in leadership, decision making, communications, conflict management, organizational culture, motivation, management, performance appraisal, and evaluation. „FƒnUse technology and information resources to research issues in educational administration and leadership. „FƒnWrite clearly and concisely about educational administration and leadership using proper writing mechanics. Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric. Points: 200 Assignment 1: Traits of Leaders or Authority / Power / Influence Criteria Unacceptable Below 70% F Fair 70-79% C Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary 90-100% A 1. Provide an explanation and overview of your selected topic. Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely provided an explanation and overview of your selected topic. Partially provided an explanation and overview of your selected topic. Satisfactorily provided an explanation and overview of your selected topic. Thoroughly provided an explanation and overview of your selected topic. 2. Examine the three (3) trends reflected the most in current research findings and prevailing attitudes about your topic. Weight: 20% Did not submit or incompletely examined the three (3) trends reflected the most in current research findings and prevailing attitudes about your topic. Partially examined the three (3) trends reflected the most in current research findings and prevailing attitudes about your topic. Satisfactorily examined the three (3) trends reflected the most in current research findings and prevailing attitudes about your topic. Thoroughly examined the three (3) trends reflected the most in current research findings and prevailing attitudes about your topic. 3. Compare and contrast the strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages inherent in your subject of choice. Weight: 25% Did not submit or incompletely compared and contrasted the strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages inherent in your subject of choice. Partially compared and contrasted the strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages inherent in your subject of choice. Satisfactorily compared and contrasted the strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages inherent in your subject of choice. Thoroughly compared and contrasted the strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages inherent in your subject of choice. 4. Predict the future direction of the research and thought on your topic. Include your own informed opinion of what is next for the topic you have explored. Weight: 25% Did not submit or incompletely predicted the future direction of the research and thought on your topic. Did not submit or incompletely included your own informed opinion of what is next for the topic you have Partially predicted the future direction of the research and thought on your topic. Partially included your own informed opinion of what is next for the topic you have explored. Satisfactorily predicted the future direction of the research and thought on your topic. Satisfactorily included your own informed opinion of what is next for the topic you have explored. Thoroughly predicted the future direction of the research and thought on your topic. Thoroughly included your own informed opinion of what is next for the topic you have explored. EDU 530 ¡V Assignments and Rubric explored. 5. 3 references Weight: 5% No references provided Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references poor quality choices. Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices. Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices. 6. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements Weight: 10% More than 6 errors present 5-6 errors present 3-4 errors present 0-2 errors present

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Both big and small organizations and institutions need a number of staff to run operations. Such staff have to be organized in such a way as to maximize throughput to meet organizational goals. It takes a skilled and exposed mind to organize and manage the staff to ensure maximum utilization of resources and achievement of goals set out by the institution. Deciding on who does what, communication channels to be used and the motivation people should be conducted by individuals who possess the right qualities and exposure for success.
This paper examines the concepts and theories of leadership and management and how it can be applied in a practical environment to achieve the best results. The Best Manager is born out of experience. The manager should be aware of the activities conducted by each and every member of the team. The paper therefore also examines the process of transition of a seasoned team manager from just a team member
To quote Warren G Bennis, “leaders are people who do right things, managers are people who do things right”. Leaders design a clear plan for the future, communicating that plan to the people, making them understand and commit to it. Managers ensure that this plan is executed and implemented successfully. These two roles overlap and it is important that, to succeed, managers should possess specific skills and handle specific responsibilities using tools availed to them. They then should use this to manage the plans set out successfully. Managers should also be aware of which individuals do what best.
Concepts and theories of leadership are examined and how it can be applied to ensure the right direction for the institution is followed by the management.
Concepts and techniques of leadership
Besides an endearing and suitable character, some traits that can be quite influential in helping the regular group and team member achieve pre-set goals. Constancy and consistency is an attribute with which a good manager should be able to exercise. Clear and consistent boundaries should be maintained and so should response to particular behavior elicited among team members. The kind and setting of the group should also determine the kind of dressing to be used by the group. Some predictability in the dress code is desirable. The team manager therefore should maintain a level of consistency. Active listening should also be practiced by the manager. When managing and handling the team, the leader should use effective listening techniques to grasp the various views aired by each and every team member. It is important to pay attention to the context from which meanings come. Careful use of words should be ensured to avoid misunderstandings and taking of offence among team members.
Good managers and leaders have to model the consistency that emanates from self-knowledge and clarity of intent. They should remain attentive to each client's experience and the random nature of the different sessions of work. This is to avoid reliance on formulae or provision of easy solutions to complex problems. Secure grounding of problem solving policies and techniques helps the manager model group stability. Also, rather than try to maintain an image of perfection, good managers and leaders should know when and how to accept mistakes. They should be creative and flexible. They should set a good example to the team members that border on the concept that everyone makes mistakes but should try retain positive relationships with other team members. The nature of material and content shared in various processes among team members raise the issue of integrity. It is important that the team manager is fully aware of institutional laws, policies and regulations. Clear standards of conduct should be used to maintain the ethical parameters of their work. Team managers should also make it possible for group members to trust one another.
Best practices in leadership
A number of approaches to leadership that work well in modern business and in...
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