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Roles and Responsibilities of College Lecturer

Essay Instructions:


You have been employed recently in a new college as a lecturer and your program manager has asked you to focus on your teaching standards that ensures that your job as a professional is maintained to a high standard. You are asked to prepare a report with evidence related to your day to day lecturing activities. Some tasks are set by your department in order to standardise the activities;

Note: You are required to review your own produced documents, various documents involved in your lecturing practice, recent articles, books and other relevant literature. Wikipedia is strictly not allowed to answer any part of the task. You must reflect practical understanding of each question and provide references of any evidence you have in relation to answer. You must ensure you reflect your own experience in answering questions.

Please make sure you start building your portfolio as a part of your unit as your assignment will be marked against your portfolio.

Task 1: Assignment

You have joined the organization as a new lecturer and your manager intends to assess your understanding of the teaching environment. You are required to respond to the followings:

1.1 Analyse your own role and responsibilities in education and training

1.2 Summarise the key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to your own role and responsibilities.

You then have to carry out a micro teaching among your peers who will evaluate you on your delivery.

1.3 Analyse the relationships and boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles

1.4 Describe points of referral to meet the needs of learners

Task 2: Assignment

You have some concerns and you have discussed with the manager who advised you to investigate the following areas to come up with solutions;

2.1 Explain why it is important to identify and meet the individual needs of learners

2.2 Analyse the role and use of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual learning goals

2.3 Use methods of initial and diagnostic assessment to agree individual learning goals with learners

2.4 Record learners’ individual learning goals

Task 3: Assignment

Your manager requested you to produce some documents required to make your lecturing more effective;

3.1 Devise a scheme of work in accordance with internal and external requirements

3.2 Design teaching and learning plans which respond to:

• the individual goals and needs of all learners; and

• curriculum requirements

3.3 Explain how your own planning meets the individual needs of learners

3.4 Explain ways in which teaching and learning plans can be adapted to meet the individual needs of learners

3.5 Identify opportunities for learners to provide feedback to inform inclusive practice

Task 4: Assignment

Your manager appreciated your work and encouraged you to continue your investigation to find out the appropriate response of following areas;

4.1 Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others

4.2 Explain ways to promote equality and value diversity

4.3 Establish and sustain a safe, inclusive learning environment

Task 5: Assignment report

The Programme Manager has requested you to produce a report covering the detailed analysis of the teaching standards indicated below:.

5.1 Analyse the effectiveness of teaching and learning approaches used in own area of specialism in relation to meeting the individual needs of learners

5.2 Analyse benefits and limitations of communication methods and media used in own area of specialism

5.3 Analyse the effectiveness of resources used in own area of specialism in relation to meeting the individual needs of learners

5.4 Use inclusive teaching and learning approaches and resources, including technologies, to meet the individual needs of learners

5.5 Demonstrate ways to promote equality and value diversity in own teaching

5.6 Adapt teaching and learning approaches and resources, including technologies, to meet the individual needs of learners

5.7 Communicate with learners and learning professionals to meet individual learning needs

Task 6: Your manager asked you to assess learning in education and training.

6.1 Explain the purposes and types of assessment used in education and training

6.2 Analyse the effectiveness of assessment methods in relation to meeting the individual needs of learners

6.3: Use types and methods of assessment, including peer and self-assessment, to:

- Involve learners in assessment

- Meet the individual needs of learners

- Enable learners to produce assessment evidence that is valid. Reliable. Sufficient and current and

- Meet internal and external assessment requirements

6.4 Use questioning and feedback to contribute to the assessment process

6.5 Record the outcomes of assessments to meet internal and external requirements

6.6 Communicate assessment information to other professionals with an interest in learner achievement

Task 7: Assignment

One of the senior member of staff asked you to implement your practice in your own working practice at certain level

7.1 Analyse ways in which minimum core elements can be demonstrated in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning

7.2 Apply minimum core elements in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning

Task 8: Assignment

8.1 Review the effectiveness of own practice in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning, taking account of the views of learners and others

8.2 Identify areas for improvement in own practice in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning

Please note: To be eligible for the award of credit for this unit, a trainee teacher must be able to provide evidence of a minimum of two assessed observations of practice that meet the required standard of practice.


⮚ You are required to respond to tasks and ensure you map your response to the assessment criteria.

⮚ You are allowed to choose any education/training operating in the UK with integration to your own practice but you must get approval from the lecturer by email or in class

⮚ This assessment is designed to assess your achievement of all the Learning Outcomes and associated assessment criteria in the relevant unit of the qualification you are undertaking.

⮚ Your lecturer will advise you about the assignment structure, and the date when you must hand in your completed work.

⮚ You should make sure that you plan your work carefully, to ensure that you cover all the requirements of the assignment, and complete it within the time limit specified.

⮚ You must make sure that you acknowledge any sources you have used to complete this assignment, listing reference material and web sites used.

⮚ You must Harvard referencing format throughout your work.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Education and Training
Unit Name:
Course name:
Task No:
Task one
Roles and Responsibilities College Lecturer
A colleague lecture is bestowed with a unique set of responsibilities, roles, and duties. These roles are linked to core functions within the realm of higher education. Teaching responsibilities focus on teaching, research, service functions, and collective faculty roles. The teaching role is the core function of a colleague lecturer in colleagues, universities, technical institutions, and other organizations dealing with higher learning. Teaching, which involves transmission and dissemination of knowledge, experience, and skills, constitutes any learning institution's core mission or purpose. Teachers often impart learners with both basic and applied knowledge and skills. They actively aid learners in the learning process, activities, and application of gained knowledge or skill, or both.
More often, roles and responsibilities bestowed on lecturers, teachers, and tutors are straightforward. They design and develop curriculum while lacing these processes with elements of creativity and innovation. Teachers are obligated to deliver a range of programs that espouse teaching content targeting learners. The aspect of quality, improvement, and optimal performance often rests on teachers' or instructors' shoulders. Instructors do develop quality assurance frameworks for colleagues and other forms of learning institutions. College lecture set examinations and assess such evaluations. They also adopt, develop, coordinate and implement college research activities. They supervise students and create an environment that promotes dissection of critical discourses and ensures adequate compliance to education standards, policy requirements, and legal obligations. Thus, lecturers, teachers, or college tutors are endowed with course or unit expertise in designing, developing, and delivering learning content via several approaches and platforms. Instructors develop, create and synthesize course content. They also develop lesson programs, implement course studies, and do fieldwork. They can also guide learners in processing applications. Generally speaking, teachers' function is to help students learn by imparting knowledge to them and nurturing environments where students can learn effectively. However, it must be noted that teachers play more complex roles that vary from one society to another and one learning institution to another.
Teachers play a range of sub-roles in classroom setups or learning environments. The teacher is a class controller. He or she takes charge of learners on what they do, discuss and learn. The teacher assumes the epicenter of learning where he or she is a knowledgeable, skillful, and experienced expert who can inspire and impart others with expertise on a particular topic or theme.
The teacher encourages learners to participate in learning processes and activities actively. A teacher is often expected to create an environment that encourages open discussion on relevant areas of learning. Teacher oversees class discussions with involves students raising the question, seeking clarifications and answers about specific issues. The college lecturer, tutor, or teachers should guide discussions and strive to provide solutions whenever there is contestation among learners by providing key direction on such discussions.
The college tutor acts as a resource center where learners can seek knowledge and particular skills whenever needed. Thus, it is the teacher's role to make himself available to seek consultations when required. As a resourceful person, instructors help learners know how to use learners enablers, including internet-based knowledge and skills, library physical and electronic databases, and books. It isn't advisable to give all skills, knowledge, and skills to learners because sit comes with various downsides, including rendering learners over-reliant on the instructors. It is required that learners need guidance that acts as a basis for enhanced critical thinking, innovation, and creativity. The teachers disseminated knowledge and skills should form a foundation upon which learners build theirs. Learning should not be about copy and pasting. Instead, it is about instilling a self-driven thought-provoking process. The overall objective is to independently think and present propositions and arguments backed by evidence, logic, and rationality. Ideally, a teacher should allow learners to expand the learning realm by creating a more flexible broader understanding of issues in multiple dimensions. Teachers are expected to play a role that allows learners to explore environments and develop more confidence in their skill and knowledge, which is impossible if learners are only spoon-fed without any attempt to stimulate critical thinking and weave riveting debates.
A teacher is participating in evaluations and assessments of the learning process. They play assessors' roles by examining the learning process's effectiveness and overall performance based on tests or examination outcomes. The teacher assumes the role of assessor or evaluator to examine the degree of progress and allow for feedback, clarifications, and corrections. More often, college tutors or teachers are expected to grade learners to perform feedback and make corrections. As an assessor, a teacher ought to communicate with human touch and sensitivity. Otherwise, assessments exercise could prove counterproductive when inappropriately done because they can destroy personal confidence and self-esteem.
As a teacher, a tutor teaches acts that resemble the role of a coach. The teacher provides advice and guidance. He or she provides clarification on various notions and course or subject tasks. As a tutor, the teachers create leaner center activities and processes that promote acquiring new skills and knowledge and improve existing knowledge.
Teachers also play incredible functions in curriculum design. Teachers often participate actively in developing and implementing curriculum change. Teachers use their competence to advocate for curriculum change. The curriculum can be promoted by utilizing teachers' development and stimulating curriculum design. The relevance of teachers in course design and development is highly recognized. However, over time, it has been noted that the conventional teacher development practices are inadequate, which may undermine not only professional development and growth but also curriculum development. There calls for a more revamp teacher or tutor professional and educational development that will actively advocate in curriculum development in terms of advocacy, policy development, and practice. Teachers may often be seen as practitioners, and this perception may often undermine teachers' role in curriculum, rendering them passive participants.
The teacher acts as the main link in the chain when instituting program changes that promote curriculum innovation. Teacher professional development is seen as the primary aim, and the development of curriculum materials is considered more of a means. The designs are by-products, such as the case in the lesson study. Thus, be necessary to continually and actively engage teachers in the process of curriculum development and design.
Teachers hold the key to the curriculum process, where they deploy a range of strategies that encourage learning by delivering content in creative and impactful ways. The curriculum delivery can be comprised of whole-group instruction, personal attention, and experiential education. It also entails delivering curriculum using a global lens, supported with multicultural and multidisciplinary backgrounds and perspectives.
Teachers ensure the curriculum is anchored on active learning. The curriculum is often boring, but when contextualized by teachers, it comes alive for students. Thus teachers' roles entail creating a live curriculum that contextualizes day-to-day living. Teachers nurture a mutual relationship between curriculum content and learners. Active learning will increase the curriculum's focus and retention by nurturing a learning environment with an element of excitement. Thus, teachers infused life into the curriculum
Teachers are considered greats agents of social change. In social and community setups where teaching has not been fully professionalized, teachers can play other roles, such as becoming agents of change in society. In some instances, these far-reaching roles may become a source of conflict. Sometimes teachers often assume the roles of disciplinarians by punishing errant learners for changing unwanted societal behaviors. Teachers play a core function in actualizing successful changes in education. This aspect of change marks teachers as some essential societal agents of change. Participation in curriculum development and change confers teachers what is defined as a professional agency where their work is expressed in work-related matters, decision making, resisting change, and decisions at work.
In a rapidly evolving society, adapting to changing environments is a highly desired competence and trait. In contemporary learning environments, teachers are expected to be real change agents who are willing to change from person to external factors. Teachers are portrayed as change agents who are expected to improve education on their routine professional work.
The research functions are inescapable from teaching. Teachers are expert researchers who inspire inquisitively among learners. Learning is primarily driven by curiosity, which is often a centric feature in research. Teachers bring fresh ideas and knowledge to the classroom via exploration. Despite researching as the primary expert viewpoints, colleague tutors often should have the competence that resembles that of the researcher. The teacher should inspire a spirit of research among learners, which includes the desire to learn new or improve existing knowledge. As a strong education, a college tutor is expected to analyze and develop extensive research on learners' needs, which allows the tutor to design content and content delivery approach that matches students' needs. The spheres of research the college tutor focus on including collaborative professional development, project-based learning, parental engagement, integration of technology into learning, collaborative leadership and partnerships, and building school culture. College tutors perform functions related to service delivery and faculty-related responsibilities. A college tutor will often find him or herself in advisory boards, academic committees, and part-time administrative roles. These responsibilities are extensions of professional teaching.
Core Aspects of Legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to lecturing
Many legislations govern the practice of teaching or lecturing in institutions of higher learning. Legislation and regulations comprise laws developed by government agencies to govern lecturing practices. These laws are often guided by a code of ethics that is developed by professional bodies.
Equality Act (2010) is one of the United Kingdom laws that make it unlawful to discriminate against learners based on race, disability, sex, gender, religion, or pregnancy (Roberts and Hou, 2016. pp.143-160). The Equality Act of 2010 prohibits institutions of learning from a range of practices that can constitute discrimination. This legislation defines and disallows discrimination in four core ways. First, there is direct discrimination when learners are treated less favorably than others due to protected features. Still, exceptions are allowed in cases such as those of single-sex institutions of learning. Discriminations can also occur when a learner is treated harshly because of related issues such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, or maternity when compared to other learners. Second, the Act prohibits indirect discrimination where all learners are treated equally irrespective of protective characteristics. Indirect discrimination puts learners with protected characters at a disadvantaged end. Third, the Equality Act (2010) disallows discrimination based on disability. Treating learners unfavorably because of a specific disability is regarded as a disability that is illegal under the Act. Failure to institute reasonable adjustments for disabled learners in schools is an act of discrimination. Any participant or stakeholders in learning institutions such as lectures and school administrators should not act discriminately against learners or implement regulations or policies that are not fair. Furthermore, the Act prohibits harassment towards protected characteristics, sexual harassment, and less favorable treatment towards learners who reject sexual harassment. Finally, Equality Act (2010) makes it illegal for institutions, lecturers, teachers, and administrators to victimize learners based on the protected feature during admission, teaching and, learning.
Another relevant Act to education is Data Protection Act (2018), which prescribes how data related to personal details should be managed and handled. The personnel handling personal or learners' data in the institution of learning must follow data protection principles. These guiding principles include using learners' data fairly, lawfully, for specific purposes, and transparently. It must also be handled appropriately by ensuring security, by protecting against unlawful or unauthorized processing, access, loss, and destruction.
Other laws that are important to education, teaching, and learning institutions include the Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act (1988), the Children Act 2004, the Education and Skills Act 2008 (c 25), and Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), and among many more! Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act (1988) is highly relevant to learning institutions, especially when it comes to handling intellectual properties such as theoretical knowledge and skills found in books. Copied or summarized material and learning content must be acknowledged and referenced. This legislation makes it illegal to distribute content or print and distribute without owners' approval (Knudsen and Stage, 2015, pp.36). The Children Act 2004 states that children and young people's interests and welfare should be protected. The Education and Skills Act 2008 (c 25) U.K raised the minimum age at which a person can leave education or training to 18 for those born after 1 September 1997, with an interim minimum leaving age of 17 from 2013 (Francis and Gould, 2014. Pp.48). Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) define core requirements that nurture a safe learning environment for learners and everyone else.
Analysis of Relationships and Boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles
Lecturing or teaching does not operate in isolation. Instead, it lives in an environment that there is an inter-linkage of teaching and other professional roles. The ideals, principles, values, and ethical practices, constitute the core guiding factors that define the existing boundaries in the lecturing profession. Teaching should have a remarkable set of ideas that provide a blueprint to lecturers. The learning environment should always foster mutual respect, competence, individual well-being, and optimal self-esteem among all instructors, partners, and learners or students. Creating boundaries is an extensive idea that entails nurturing a learning environment that allows tutors to perform while considering learners' interest, their guardians, and the overall education system. Principles in education are critical in defining relationship boundaries. College lectures are expected to utilize the training, experience, and expertise to navigate education sectors by deploying teaching principles.
Maintaining personal, professional, and protective boundaries are critical practices in the education system. Professional boundaries are necessary practices in teaching. Teachers are guided under a duty of care to protect ...
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