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Education Essay: Clinical Field Experience C: Literacy Activity Implementation

Essay Instructions:

There is never enough practice for implementing activities. Each time a lesson is taught, a teacher learns something new about effective teaching practices through self-reflection, especially when implementing multiple content areas in one lesson for cross-disciplinary instruction.

Allocate at least 5 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Part 1: Implementation

For this field experience, you will deliver the literacy activity you created in Topic 2, or a lesson of your mentor’s choice, to a small group of students that your mentor teacher has selected. Remember to focus on:

Instructional strategies for literacy development.

Differentiation, including accommodations to meet the diverse needs of students.

Creating engagement and promoting discussion.

Part 2: Mentor Feedback

After your implementation, ask your mentor teacher the following:

How effectively did I integrate literacy into the activity?

Were students engaged?

How effectively did I meet the needs of all students?

What did I do well and what can I do better?

Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the mentor teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

Part 3: Personal Reflection

How did I integrate literacy in the activity?

Did students demonstrate the concepts of the activity? How?

How did I differentiate by using resources and/or technology to make necessary accommodations in the activity?

What do I feel went well in the class and what might have gone better?

How did I know if the students met the learning objective of the activity?

What would my next steps be for my future practice?

Write a reflection of 250 words summarizing your implementation experience, mentor’s feedback, and your personal reflection.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Clinical Field Experience C: literacy activity implementation
Name Course Instructor Date
Part 1: Implementation
 The literacy activity is using Standard English conventions, including the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives. At times, the students were placed in groups, there were joint activities, and there were plans to enhance learning engagement. Their encounter with new information in reading and writing allowed them to understand more about language use. The interaction and presentation of the learning activities deepened their knowledge, but they were also encouraged to learn independently. Reading and writing are used in learning, and since language skills facilitate formal literacy learning, there was an evaluation of their language skills to determine whether to change or intensify the instruction strategies.
Part 2: Mentor Feedback
Using the lesson plans was useful for meeting the course objectives and guiding me in teaching about literacy. To the mentor, undertaking different forms of reading and writing practices exposes the students to learn about their strengths and work on their areas of weaknesses. Literacy he...
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