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The Problem We All Live With – Parts One and Two (Education Essay)

Essay Instructions:

SOC 110: Documentary Response Paper 1

The Problem We All Live With – Parts One and Two

You can access the podcast by clicking on this link: https://www(dot)thisamericanlife(dot)org/562/the-problem-we-all-live-with-part-one

You may listen to the podcast episode and/or read the transcript, though I recommend listening to it for full effect.

In this paper, there are a number of questions/topics to address regarding the podcast. Remember, this is to be written in academic format – complete paragraphs (not bullet points), with an introduction and conclusion. You will draw on course material (and outside resource if necessary) to make your argument. While we are all welcome to our opinions, this is not a space in which to promote yours – the purpose of the assignment to make a sociological argument and support it with evidence, so where in this document should you write “I think” or “I feel” or “in my opinion” statements. Any statements that you make must be supported with evidence from the book or outside scholarly research. Failure to back up your arguments will result in a loss of all points.

• Please also use APA citation/reference format: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/


1. What is the podcast episode’s overall argument or goal? (4-5 sentence summary)

2. Using information from the textbook (and the podcast), discuss briefly the history of racial inequality in the US. Then, tie that in with the podcast, by discussing what public school segregation reveals about race relations in America.

3. After listening to the story, explain whether or not integration will provide the solution argued by the host. Why or why not? Are there other factors involved that were not discussed that could contribute to the outcome?

4. How would a sociologist explain the variety of comments, many considered offensive, that were made at the parents meeting? How can these faulty opinions and attitudes be combated in a community?


1. Your paper should be a minimum of 2 double-spaced pages. Any less than 2 pages will result in you losing significant points. Attempts to artificially manipulate the length or your paper will also result in your losing significant points.

2. Size 12 font—Times New Roman.

3. 1-inch margins. (Most computers are set up with 1.25 inch margins)

4. Only include your name and date as your header. Do not include my name, the class name, the room number, etc.—this is a space filler and is unnecessary.

5. Please double-check spelling and grammar.

Rubric: 50 points

Content: 45 points

1. Overall argument, 4-5 sentences (10 points)

2. History of racial inequality tied in (15 points)

3. Integration as solution to school inequality (10 points)

4. Sociological discussion of offensive comments (10 points)

Format: 5 points

1. Minimum 2 double spaced pages

2. Size 12 times new roman

3. 1-inch margins

4. only name/date as header

5. spelling/grammar

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The problem we all live with – Parts One and Two
Student’s Name
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The problem we all live with – Parts One and Two
What is the podcast episode’s overall argument or goal? (4-5 sentence summary)
The podcast’s overall argument is to demonstrate the plight black children endured in their quest for education. Based on the podcast, it is evident that black children experienced discrimination because of their skin color and were not allowed to attend the same schools as white children. The podcast describes Norma Rockwell’s painting “The problem we all live with.” The purpose of creating the painting was to depict society’s reaction towards the desegregation crisis. The podcast’s goal is to illustrate how ‘integration’ helped solve the racial segregation crisis, giving black children a chance to access quality teachers and education like which children. Accordingly, the podcast illustrates people should emulate Norma’s example of defying social norms to ensure societal change.
Using information from the textbook (and the podcast), discuss briefly the history of racial inequality in the US. Then, tie that in with the podcast by discussing what public school segregation reveals about race relations in America.
In the United States, racial inequality remains a challenge for people seeking public services. In 1964, the increased prevalence of racial inequality in schools led to civil unrest since blacks felt they deserved similar opportunities as their white counterparts. The podcast offers a candid description of the plight black children had to endure in their pursuit of education. For example, black children were not allowed to attend the same schools as their white counterparts. Conversely, the podcast describes public school segregation by analyzing Norma Rockwell’s painting. The painting contains various features which illustrate racial relations in America. For instance, the different colors in the painting elucidate the hate and contempt black people experienced in society. Because of their color, black children were not allowed to interact with which children, leading to racial segregation.
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