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Research: Observation, interpretation and recommendations in early childhood

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Assignment 1: Minor 20%

Research and Observation:

Research Paper: Students will explore the value and purpose of observation that informs professional practice. It is expected that links be made to previous courses, such as Lifespan, Child Development, Play & Creativity, Responsive Planning, Field Practicum as well as concurrent courses within the program to establish the rationale of observations as a fundamental part in transforming professional practice and begin to link observation to assessments and evaluations. (approx. 2 ^ pages double spaced) (learning outcomes 1,3, 6 & 7)

Observation: Using a community early childhood setting or Lab School on campus, the student will use an anecdotal record to conduct one (1) observation, make interpretations and recommendations based on the observations. (learning outcomes 2, 5, 8, 11, 12)

Note:    part B will follow the guidelines for appropriate format outlined in the text.

a.    Required information about the child/observation

b.    Background information (if necessary)

c.    Observation (this is your actual observation with rough notes and final copy)

d.    Interpretations (bullet form)

e.    Recommendations (bullet form)

f.    Confidentiality

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Research: Observation, interpretation and recommendations in early childhood
Observation is an important aspect in children development, and it entails watching children and taking care of them. In informing professional practice, assessment is also important as through observations it is possible to analyze progress and children needs. Understanding child development is essential as it helps to recognize the social, emotional, educational and physical growth of children. Most theories of child development explain various aspects of development through phases, but other theories highlight on some aspects of development like social growth or cognitive development. Observation is also relevant in understanding child development, and in child play it is possible to assess whether the child is cooperative collaborative and creative.
Observation aims to bridge the gap between theory and evidence based practice in early child hood. In essence, through observation it is possible to understand human development theories and how they relate to children behavior. Even though, there are various child development theories, observation helps to place children in their unique contexts. Equally, it is possible to analyze the strength and weaknesses of child development theories through observation. Child play is hence one of the most important aspects that enhances observation and assessment as it is possible to monitor children development and progress. It is also possible to use enquires to inform observation and apply human development theories, with children as individuals and when in groups.
Observation and assessment are critical aspects in understanding human development as they are the basis of curriculums adopted. Observation allows one to collect data and information necessary to help in assessment, and to influence learning and child development (Podmore & Luff, 2012). The social context helps to explain s...
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